Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions for estimating the precision matrix based on the covariance of
either the residuals (temporal based precision matrix) or of the measurements
(instance based precision matrix)

from import Iterable
import numpy as np
from import average_dataset_by
from rsatoolbox.util.data_utils import get_unique_inverse

def _check_demean(matrix):
    checks that an input has 2 or 3 dimensions and subtracts the mean.
    returns a 2D matrix for covariance/precision computation and the
    degrees of freedom

        matrix (np.ndarray):
            n_conditions x n_channels

            demeaned matrix

    assert isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray), "input must be ndarray"
    if matrix.ndim in [1, 2]:
        matrix = matrix - np.mean(matrix, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        dof = matrix.shape[0] - 1
    elif matrix.ndim == 3:
        matrix -= np.mean(matrix, axis=2, keepdims=True)
        dof = (matrix.shape[0] - 1) * matrix.shape[2]
        matrix = matrix.transpose(0, 2, 1).reshape(
            matrix.shape[0] * matrix.shape[2], matrix.shape[1])
        raise ValueError('Matrix for covariance estimation has wrong # of dimensions!')
    return matrix, dof

def _estimate_covariance(matrix, dof, method):
    """ calls the right covariance estimation function based on the ""method" argument

        matrix (np.ndarray):
            n_conditions x n_channels

        dof (int):
            degrees of freedom

        method (string):
            which estimator to use

        numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray:
            cov_mat: n_channels x n_channels sample covariance matrix

    matrix, dof_nat = _check_demean(matrix)
    if dof is None:
        dof = dof_nat
    # calculate sample covariance matrix s
    if method == 'shrinkage_eye':
        cov_mat = _covariance_eye(matrix, dof)
    elif method == 'shrinkage_diag':
        cov_mat = _covariance_diag(matrix, dof)
    elif method == 'diag':
        cov_mat = _variance(matrix, dof)
    elif method == 'full':
        cov_mat = _covariance_full(matrix, dof)
    return cov_mat

def _variance(matrix, dof):
    returns the vector of variances per measurement channel.
    The formula used here implies that the mean was already removed.

        matrix (np.ndarray):
            n_conditions x n_channels

            variance vector

    return np.diag(np.einsum('ij, ij-> j', matrix, matrix) / dof)

def _covariance_full(matrix, dof):
    computes the sample covariance matrix from a 2d-array.
    matrix should be demeaned before!

        matrix (np.ndarray):
            n_conditions x n_channels

        numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray:
            s_mean: n_channels x n_channels sample covariance matrix

    return np.einsum('ij, ik-> jk', matrix, matrix, optimize=True) / dof

def _covariance_eye(matrix, dof):
    computes the sample covariance matrix from a 2d-array.
    matrix should be demeaned before!

    Computes an optimal shrinkage estimate of a sample covariance matrix
    as described by the following publication:

    Ledoit and Wolfe (2004): "A well-conditioned
    estimator for large-dimensional covariance matrices"

        matrix (np.ndarray):
            n_conditions x n_channels

        numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray:
            s_mean: n_channels x n_channels sample covariance matrix

            Einstein summation form of the matrix product
            of the 2d-array with itself

    s_sum = np.zeros((matrix.shape[1], matrix.shape[1]))
    s2_sum = np.zeros((matrix.shape[1], matrix.shape[1]))
    for m_line in matrix:
        xt_x = np.outer(m_line, m_line)
        s_sum += xt_x
        s2_sum += xt_x ** 2
    s = s_sum / matrix.shape[0]
    b2 = np.sum(s2_sum / matrix.shape[0] - s * s) / matrix.shape[0]
    # calculate the scalar estimators to find the optimal shrinkage:
    # m, d^2, b^2 as in Ledoit & Wolfe paper
    m = np.sum(np.diag(s)) / s.shape[0]
    d2 = np.sum((s - m * np.eye(s.shape[0])) ** 2)
    b2 = min(d2, b2)
    # shrink covariance matrix
    s_shrink = b2 / d2 * m * np.eye(s.shape[0]) \
        + (d2-b2) / d2 * s
    # correction for degrees of freedom
    s_shrink = s_shrink * matrix.shape[0] / dof
    return s_shrink

def _covariance_diag(matrix, dof, mem_threshold=(10**9)/8):
    computes the sample covariance matrix from a 2d-array.
    matrix should be demeaned before!

    Computes an optimal shrinkage estimate of a sample covariance matrix
    as described by the following publication:

    Schäfer, J., & Strimmer, K. (2005). "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale
    Covariance Matrix Estimation and Implications for Functional Genomics.""

        matrix (np.ndarray):
            n_conditions x n_channels

        numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray:
            s_mean: n_channels x n_channels sample covariance matrix

            Einstein summation form of the matrix product
            of the 2d-array with itself

    s_sum = np.zeros((matrix.shape[1], matrix.shape[1]))
    s2_sum = np.zeros((matrix.shape[1], matrix.shape[1]))
    for m_line in matrix:
        xt_x = np.outer(m_line, m_line)
        s_sum += xt_x
        s2_sum += xt_x ** 2
    s = s_sum / dof
    var = np.diag(s)
    std = np.sqrt(var)
    s_mean = s_sum / np.expand_dims(std, 0) / np.expand_dims(std, 1) / (matrix.shape[0] - 1)
    s2_mean = s2_sum / np.expand_dims(var, 0) / np.expand_dims(var, 1) / (matrix.shape[0] - 1)
    var_hat = matrix.shape[0] / dof ** 2 \
        * (s2_mean - s_mean ** 2)
    mask = ~np.eye(s.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    lamb = np.sum(var_hat[mask]) / np.sum(s_mean[mask] ** 2)
    lamb = max(min(lamb, 1), 0)
    scaling = np.eye(s.shape[0]) + (1-lamb) * mask
    s_shrink = s * scaling
    return s_shrink

[docs]def cov_from_residuals(residuals, dof=None, method='shrinkage_diag'): """ Estimates a covariance matrix from measurements. Allows for shrinkage estimates. Use 'method' to choose which estimation method is used. Args: residuals(numpy.ndarray or list of these): n_residuals x n_channels matrix of residuals dof(int or list of int): degrees of freedom for covariance estimation defaults to n_res - 1, should be corrected for the number of regressors in a GLM if applicable. method(str): which estimate to use: 'diag': provides a diagonal matrix, i.e. univariate noise normalizer 'full': computes the sample covariance without shrinkage 'shrinkage_eye': shrinks the data covariance towards a multiple of the identity. 'shrinkage_diag': shrinks the covariance matrix towards the diagonal covariance matrix. Returns: numpy.ndarray (or list): sigma_p: covariance matrix over channels """ if not isinstance(residuals, np.ndarray) or len(residuals.shape) > 2: cov_mat = [] for i, residual in enumerate(residuals): if dof is None: cov_mat.append(cov_from_residuals( residual, method=method)) elif isinstance(dof, Iterable): cov_mat.append(cov_from_residuals( residuals, method=method, dof=dof[i])) else: cov_mat.append(cov_from_residuals( residual, method=method, dof=dof)) else: cov_mat = _estimate_covariance(residuals, dof, method) return cov_mat
[docs]def prec_from_residuals(residuals, dof=None, method='shrinkage_diag'): """ Estimates the covariance matrix from residuals and finds its multiplicative inverse (= the precision matrix) Use 'method' to choose which estimation method is used. Args: residuals(numpy.ndarray or list of these): n_residuals x n_channels matrix of residuals dof(int or list of int): degrees of freedom for covariance estimation defaults to n_res - 1, should be corrected for the number of regressors in a GLM if applicable. method(str): which estimate to use: 'diag': provides a diagonal matrix, i.e. univariate noise normalizer 'full': computes the sample covariance without shrinkage 'shrinkage_eye': shrinks the data covariance towards a multiple of the identity. 'shrinkage_diag': shrinks the covariance matrix towards the diagonal covariance matrix. Returns: numpy.ndarray (or list): sigma_p: precision matrix over channels """ cov = cov_from_residuals(residuals=residuals, dof=dof, method=method) if not isinstance(cov, np.ndarray): prec = [None] * len(cov) for i, cov_i in enumerate(cov): prec[i] = np.linalg.inv(cov_i) elif len(cov.shape) > 2: prec = np.zeros(cov.shape) for i, cov_i in enumerate(cov): prec[i] = np.linalg.inv(cov_i) else: prec = np.linalg.inv(cov) return prec
[docs]def cov_from_measurements(dataset, obs_desc, dof=None, method='shrinkage_diag'): """ Estimates a covariance matrix from measurements. Allows for shrinkage estimates. Use 'method' to choose which estimation method is used. Args: dataset(data.Dataset): rsatoolbox Dataset object dof(int or list of int): degrees of freedom for covariance estimation defaults to n_res - 1, should be corrected for the number of regressors in a GLM if applicable. method(str): which estimate to use: 'diag': provides a diagonal matrix, i.e. univariate noise normalizer 'full': computes the sample covariance without shrinkage 'shrinkage_eye': shrinks the data covariance towards a multiple of the identity. 'shrinkage_diag': shrinks the covariance matrix towards the diagonal covariance matrix. Returns: numpy.ndarray (or list): sigma_p: covariance matrix over channels """ if isinstance(dataset, Iterable): cov_mat = [] for i, dat in enumerate(dataset): if dof is None: cov_mat.append(cov_from_unbalanced( dat, obs_desc=obs_desc, method=method)) elif isinstance(dof, Iterable): cov_mat.append(cov_from_unbalanced( dat, obs_desc=obs_desc, method=method, dof=dof[i])) else: cov_mat.append(cov_from_unbalanced( dat, obs_desc=obs_desc, method=method, dof=dof)) else: assert "Dataset" in str(type(dataset)), "Provided object is not a dataset" assert obs_desc in dataset.obs_descriptors.keys(), \ "obs_desc not contained in the dataset's obs_descriptors" tensor, _ = dataset.get_measurements_tensor(obs_desc) # calculate sample covariance matrix s cov_mat = _estimate_covariance(tensor, dof, method) return cov_mat
[docs]def prec_from_measurements(dataset, obs_desc, dof=None, method='shrinkage_diag'): """ Estimates the covariance matrix from measurements and finds its multiplicative inverse (= the precision matrix) Use 'method' to choose which estimation method is used. Args: residuals(numpy.ndarray or list of these): n_residuals x n_channels matrix of residuals dof(int or list of int): degrees of freedom for covariance estimation defaults to n_res - 1, should be corrected for the number of regressors in a GLM if applicable. method(str): which estimate to use: 'diag': provides a diagonal matrix, i.e. univariate noise normalizer 'full': computes the sample covariance without shrinkage 'shrinkage_eye': shrinks the data covariance towards a multiple of the identity. 'shrinkage_diag': shrinks the covariance matrix towards the diagonal covariance matrix. Returns: numpy.ndarray (or list): sigma_p: precision matrix over channels """ cov = cov_from_measurements(dataset, obs_desc, dof=dof, method=method) if not isinstance(cov, np.ndarray): prec = [None] * len(cov) for i, cov_i in enumerate(cov): prec[i] = np.linalg.inv(cov_i) elif len(cov.shape) > 2: prec = np.zeros(cov.shape) for i, cov_i in enumerate(cov): prec[i] = np.linalg.inv(cov_i) else: prec = np.linalg.inv(cov) return prec
[docs]def cov_from_unbalanced(dataset, obs_desc, dof=None, method='shrinkage_diag'): """ Estimates a covariance matrix from an unbalanced dataset, i.e. from a dataset that contains different numbers of samples for different stimuli. Args: dataset(data.Dataset): rsatoolbox Dataset object dof(int or list of int): degrees of freedom for covariance estimation defaults to n_measurements - n_stimuli, should be corrected if this is not the case method(str): which estimate to use: 'diag': provides a diagonal matrix, i.e. univariate noise normalizer 'full': computes the sample covariance without shrinkage 'shrinkage_eye': shrinks the data covariance towards a multiple of the identity. 'shrinkage_diag': shrinks the covariance matrix towards the diagonal covariance matrix. Returns: numpy.ndarray (or list): sigma_p: covariance matrix over channels """ if isinstance(dataset, Iterable): cov_mat = [] for i, dat in enumerate(dataset): if dof is None: cov_mat.append(cov_from_unbalanced( dat, obs_desc=obs_desc, method=method)) elif isinstance(dof, Iterable): cov_mat.append(cov_from_unbalanced( dat, obs_desc=obs_desc, method=method, dof=dof[i])) else: cov_mat.append(cov_from_unbalanced( dat, obs_desc=obs_desc, method=method, dof=dof)) else: assert "Dataset" in str(type(dataset)), "Provided object is not a dataset" assert obs_desc in dataset.obs_descriptors.keys(), \ "obs_desc not contained in the dataset's obs_descriptors" matrix = dataset.measurements.copy() means, values, _ = average_dataset_by(dataset, obs_desc) values, inverse = get_unique_inverse(dataset.obs_descriptors[obs_desc]) matrix -= means[inverse] # calculate sample covariance matrix s if dof is None: dof = matrix.shape[0] - len(values) cov_mat = _estimate_covariance(matrix, dof, method) return cov_mat
[docs]def prec_from_unbalanced(dataset, obs_desc, dof=None, method='shrinkage_diag'): """ Estimates the covariance matrix from measurements and finds its multiplicative inverse (= the precision matrix) Use 'method' to choose which estimation method is used. Args: residuals(numpy.ndarray or list of these): n_residuals x n_channels matrix of residuals dof(int or list of int): degrees of freedom for covariance estimation defaults to n_res - 1, should be corrected for the number of regressors in a GLM if applicable. method(str): which estimate to use: 'diag': provides a diagonal matrix, i.e. univariate noise normalizer 'full': computes the sample covariance without shrinkage 'shrinkage_eye': shrinks the data covariance towards a multiple of the identity. 'shrinkage_diag': shrinks the covariance matrix towards the diagonal covariance matrix. Returns: numpy.ndarray (or list): sigma_p: precision matrix over channels """ cov = cov_from_unbalanced(dataset, obs_desc, dof=dof, method=method) if not isinstance(cov, np.ndarray): prec = [None] * len(cov) for i, cov_i in enumerate(cov): prec[i] = np.linalg.inv(cov_i) elif len(cov.shape) > 2: prec = np.zeros(cov.shape) for i, cov_i in enumerate(cov): prec[i] = np.linalg.inv(cov_i) else: prec = np.linalg.inv(cov) return prec