Source code for rsatoolbox.inference.result

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Result object definition

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import rsatoolbox.model
from import read_dict_hdf5, write_dict_hdf5
from import read_dict_pkl, write_dict_pkl
from rsatoolbox.util.file_io import remove_file
from rsatoolbox.util.inference_util import extract_variances
from rsatoolbox.util.inference_util import all_tests, pair_tests, nc_tests, zero_tests

[docs]class Result: """ Result class storing results for a set of models with the models, the results matrix and the noise ceiling Args: models(list of rsatoolbox.model.Model): the evaluated models evaluations(numpy.ndarray): evaluations of the models over bootstrap/crossvalidation format: bootstrap_samples x models x crossval & others such that np.mean(evaluations[i,j]) is a valid evaluation for the jth model on the ith bootstrap-sample method(String): the evaluation method cv_method(String): crossvalidation specification noise_ceiling(numpy.ndarray): noise ceiling such that np.mean(noise_ceiling[0]) is the lower bound and np.mean(noise_ceiling[1]) is the higher one. Attributes: as inputs """ def __init__(self, models, evaluations, method, cv_method, noise_ceiling, variances=None, dof=1, fitter=None, n_rdm=None, n_pattern=None): if isinstance(models, rsatoolbox.model.Model): models = [models] assert len(models) == evaluations.shape[1], 'evaluations shape does' \ + 'not match number of models' self.models = models self.n_model = len(models) self.evaluations = np.array(evaluations) self.method = method self.cv_method = cv_method self.noise_ceiling = np.array(noise_ceiling) self.variances = variances self.dof = dof self.fitter = fitter self.n_bootstraps = evaluations.shape[0] self.n_rdm = n_rdm self.n_pattern = n_pattern if variances is not None: # if the variances only refer to the models this should have the # same number of entries as the models list. if variances.ndim == 0: nc_included = False else: nc_included = variances.shape[-1] != len(models) self.model_var, self.diff_var, self.noise_ceil_var = \ extract_variances(variances, nc_included, n_rdm, n_pattern) else: self.model_var = None self.diff_var = None self.noise_ceil_var = None def __repr__(self): """ defines string which is printed for the object """ return (f'rsatoolbox.inference.Result\n' f'containing evaluations for {self.n_model} models\n' f'evaluated using {self.cv_method} of {self.method}' ) def __str__(self): """ defines the output of print """ return self.summary()
[docs] def summary(self, test_type='t-test'): """ Human readable summary of the results Args: test_type(String): What kind of tests to run. See rsatoolbox.util.inference_util.all_tests for options """ summary = f'Results for running {self.cv_method} evaluation for {self.method} ' summary += f'on {self.n_model} models:\n\n' name_length = max([max(len( for m in self.models) + 1, 6]) means = self.get_means() sems = self.get_sem() if means is None: means = np.nan * np.ones(self.n_model) if sems is None: sems = np.nan * np.ones(self.n_model) try: p_zero = self.test_zero(test_type=test_type) p_noise = self.test_noise(test_type=test_type) except ValueError: p_zero = np.nan * np.ones(self.n_model) p_noise = np.nan * np.ones(self.n_model) # header of the results table summary += 'Model' + (' ' * (name_length - 5)) summary += '| Eval \u00B1 SEM |' summary += ' p (against 0) |' summary += ' p (against NC) |\n' summary += '-' * (name_length + 51) summary += '\n' for i, m in enumerate(self.models): summary += + (' ' * (name_length - len( summary += f'| {means[i]: 5.3f} \u00B1 {sems[i]:4.3f} |' if p_zero[i] < 0.001: summary += ' < 0.001 |' else: summary += f'{p_zero[i]:>13.3f} |' if p_noise[i] < 0.001: summary += ' < 0.001 |' else: summary += f'{p_noise[i]:>14.3f} |' summary += '\n' summary += '\n' if self.cv_method == 'crossvalidation': summary += 'No p-values available as crossvalidation provides no variance estimate' elif test_type == 't-test': summary += 'p-values are based on uncorrected t-tests' elif test_type == 'bootstrap': summary += 'p-values are based on percentiles of the bootstrap samples' elif test_type == 'ranksum': summary += 'p-values are based on ranksum tests' return summary
[docs] def save(self, filename, file_type='hdf5', overwrite=False): """ saves the results into a file. Args: filename(String): path to the file [or opened file] file_type(String): Type of file to create: hdf5: hdf5 file pkl: pickle file overwrite(Boolean): overwrites file if it already exists """ result_dict = self.to_dict() if overwrite: remove_file(filename) if file_type == 'hdf5': write_dict_hdf5(filename, result_dict) elif file_type == 'pkl': write_dict_pkl(filename, result_dict)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Converts the RDMs object into a dict, which can be used for saving Returns: results_dict(dict): A dictionary with all the information needed to regenerate the object """ result_dict = {} result_dict['evaluations'] = self.evaluations result_dict['dof'] = self.dof result_dict['variances'] = self.variances result_dict['noise_ceiling'] = self.noise_ceiling result_dict['method'] = self.method result_dict['cv_method'] = self.cv_method result_dict['n_rdm'] = self.n_rdm result_dict['n_pattern'] = self.n_pattern result_dict['models'] = {} for i_model in range(len(self.models)): key = 'model_%d' % i_model result_dict['models'][key] = self.models[i_model].to_dict() return result_dict
[docs] def test_all(self, test_type='t-test'): """ returns all p-values: p_pairwise, p_zero & p_noise Args: test_type(String): What kind of tests to run. See rsatoolbox.util.inference_util.all_tests for options """ p_pairwise, p_zero, p_noise = all_tests( self.evaluations, self.noise_ceiling, test_type, model_var=self.model_var, diff_var=self.diff_var, noise_ceil_var=self.noise_ceil_var, dof=self.dof) return p_pairwise, p_zero, p_noise
[docs] def test_pairwise(self, test_type='t-test'): """returns the pairwise test p-values """ return pair_tests(self.evaluations, test_type, self.diff_var, self.dof)
[docs] def test_zero(self, test_type='t-test'): """returns the p-values for the tests against 0 """ return zero_tests(self.evaluations, test_type, self.model_var, self.dof)
[docs] def test_noise(self, test_type='t-test'): """returns the p-values for the tests against the noise ceiling""" return nc_tests(self.evaluations, self.noise_ceiling, test_type, self.noise_ceil_var, self.dof)
[docs] def get_means(self): """ returns the mean evaluations per model """ if self.cv_method == 'fixed': perf = np.mean(self.evaluations, axis=0) perf = np.nanmean(perf, axis=-1) elif self.cv_method == 'crossvalidation': perf = np.mean(self.evaluations, axis=0) perf = np.nanmean(perf, axis=-1) else: perf = self.evaluations while len(perf.shape) > 2: perf = np.nanmean(perf, axis=-1) perf = perf[~np.isnan(perf[:, 0])] perf = np.mean(perf, axis=0) return perf
[docs] def get_sem(self): """ returns the SEM of the evaluation per model """ if self.model_var is None: return None return np.sqrt(np.maximum(self.model_var, 0))
[docs] def get_ci(self, ci_percent, test_type='t-test'): """ returns confidence intervals for the evaluations""" prop_cut = (1 - ci_percent) / 2 if test_type == 'bootstrap': perf = self.evaluations while len(perf.shape) > 2: perf = np.nanmean(perf, axis=-1) framed_evals = np.concatenate( (np.tile(np.array(([-np.inf], [np.inf])), (1, self.n_model)), perf), axis=0) ci = [np.quantile(framed_evals, prop_cut, axis=0), np.quantile(framed_evals, 1 - prop_cut, axis=0)] else: tdist = scipy.stats.t std_eval = self.get_sem() means = self.get_means() ci = [means + std_eval * tdist.ppf(prop_cut, self.dof), means - std_eval * tdist.ppf(prop_cut, self.dof)] return ci
[docs] def get_errorbars(self, eb_type='sem', test_type='t-test'): """ returns errorbars for the model evaluations""" if eb_type.lower() == 'sem': errorbar_low = self.get_sem() errorbar_high = errorbar_low elif eb_type[0:2].lower() == 'ci': if len(eb_type) == 2: ci_percent = 0.95 else: ci_percent = float(eb_type[2:]) / 100 ci = self.get_ci(ci_percent, test_type) means = self.get_means() errorbar_low = means - ci[0] errorbar_high = ci[1] - means limits = np.concatenate((errorbar_low, errorbar_high)) if np.isnan(limits).any() or (abs(limits) == np.inf).any(): raise ValueError( 'plot_model_comparison: Too few bootstrap samples for ' + 'the requested confidence interval: ' + eb_type + '.') return (errorbar_low, errorbar_high)
[docs] def get_model_var(self): """ returns the variance of the evaluation per model """ return self.model_var
[docs] def get_noise_ceil(self): """ returns the noise ceiling for the model evaluations """ return self.noise_ceiling
[docs]def load_results(filename, file_type=None): """ loads a Result object from disc Args: filename(String): path to the filelocation """ if file_type is None: if isinstance(filename, str): if filename[-4:] == '.pkl': file_type = 'pkl' elif filename[-3:] == '.h5' or filename[-4:] == 'hdf5': file_type = 'hdf5' if file_type == 'hdf5': data_dict = read_dict_hdf5(filename) elif file_type == 'pkl': data_dict = read_dict_pkl(filename) else: raise ValueError('filetype not understood') return result_from_dict(data_dict)
[docs]def result_from_dict(result_dict): """ recreate Results object from dictionary Args: result_dict(dict): dictionary to regenerate Returns: result(Result): the recreated object """ if 'variances' in result_dict.keys(): variances = result_dict['variances'] else: variances = None if 'dof' in result_dict.keys(): dof = result_dict['dof'] else: dof = None evaluations = result_dict['evaluations'] method = result_dict['method'] cv_method = result_dict['cv_method'] noise_ceiling = result_dict['noise_ceiling'] models = [None] * len(result_dict['models']) for i_model in range(len(result_dict['models'])): key = 'model_%d' % i_model models[i_model] = rsatoolbox.model.model_from_dict( result_dict['models'][key]) n_rdm = result_dict['n_rdm'] n_pattern = result_dict['n_pattern'] return Result(models, evaluations, method, cv_method, noise_ceiling, variances=variances, dof=dof, n_rdm=n_rdm, n_pattern=n_pattern)