Source code for

"""Covers import of data downloaded from the
`Meadows online behavior platform <>`_.

For information on available file types see the meadows
`documentation on downloads <\
from __future__ import annotations
from os.path import basename
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Union, Tuple, List
import json
import warnings
from import PETNAMES
import numpy
from import loadmat
from rsatoolbox.rdm.rdms import RDMs
    from numpy.typing import NDArray
    InfoDict = Dict[str, Union[str, int]]
    RdmsComps = Tuple[NDArray, List[str], List[str], List[str], List[int]]

[docs]def load_rdms(fpath: str, sort: bool=True) -> RDMs: """Read a Meadows results file and return any RDMs as an rsatoolbox object Args: fpath (str): path to .mat Meadows results file sort (bool): whether to sort the RDM based on the stimulus names Raises: ValueError: Will raise an error if the file is missing an expected variable. This can happen if the file does not contain MA task data. Returns: RDMs: All rdms found in the data file as an RDMs object """ info = extract_filename_segments(fpath) if info['filetype'] == 'mat': utvs, stimuli, pnames, tnames, tidx = load_rdms_comps_mat(fpath, info) elif info['filetype'] == 'json': utvs, stimuli, pnames, tnames, tidx = load_rdms_comps_json(fpath, info) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported file type') conds = [f.split('.')[0] for f in stimuli] rdm_descriptors = {} rdm_descriptors['participant'] = pnames if tnames is not None: rdm_descriptors['task'] = tnames if tidx is not None: rdm_descriptors['task_index'] = tidx rdms = RDMs( utvs, dissimilarity_measure='euclidean', descriptors=dict(experiment_name=info['experiment_name']), rdm_descriptors=rdm_descriptors, pattern_descriptors=dict(conds=conds), ) if sort: rdms.sort_by(conds='alpha') return rdms
[docs]def load_rdms_comps_mat(fpath: str, info: InfoDict) -> RdmsComps: """Load rdms components from a Meadows mat file Args: fpath (str): full file path info (InfoDict): dictionary describing the file name Raises: ValueError: File missing variable: X Returns: Tuple[NDArray, List[str], List[str], List[str], List[int]]: tuple of rdms components """ data = loadmat(fpath) tidx = None tnames = None if info['participant_scope'] == 'single': for var in ('stimuli', 'rdmutv'): if var not in data: raise ValueError(f'File missing variable: {var}') utvs = data['rdmutv'] stimuli = data['stimuli'] pnames = [info['participant']] tidx = [int(info['task_index'])] else: stim_vars = [v for v in data.keys() if v[:7] == 'stimuli'] stimuli = data[stim_vars[0]] pnames = ['-'.join(v.split('_')[1:]) for v in stim_vars] utv_vars = ['rdmutv_' + p.replace('-', '_') for p in pnames] utvs = numpy.squeeze(numpy.stack([data[v] for v in utv_vars])) tnames = [info['task_name']] * len(pnames) return utvs, stimuli, pnames, tnames, tidx
[docs]def load_rdms_comps_json(fpath: str, info: InfoDict) -> RdmsComps: """Load rdms components from a Meadows json file Args: fpath (str): full file path info (InfoDict): dictionary describing the file name Raises: ValueError: Multi-participant json files not supported yet ValueError: Single-task json files not supported yet ValueError: Unexpected structure in json file Returns: Tuple[NDArray, List[str], List[str], List[str], List[int]]: tuple of rdms components """ STIM_MISMATCH = 'Varying stimuli among ma tasks, only selecting matching' if info['participant_scope'] == 'multiple': raise ValueError('Multi-participant json files not supported yet') if info['task_scope'] == 'single': raise ValueError('Single-task json files not supported yet') with open(fpath, encoding='utf-8') as fhandle: data = json.load(fhandle) if not isinstance(data.get('tasks'), list): raise ValueError('Unexpected structure in json file') utvs = [] stimuli = [] tnames = [] tidx = [] for t, task in enumerate(data['tasks']): task_meta = task.get('task', {}) if task_meta.get('task_type') != 'multiarrange': continue task_stimuli = [s['name'] for s in task['stimuli']] if len(utvs) == 0: stimuli = task_stimuli else: if stimuli != task_stimuli: warnings.warn(STIM_MISMATCH) continue utvs.append(task['rdm']) tnames.append(task_meta['name']) tidx.append(t) utvs = numpy.asarray(utvs) pnames = [info['participant']] * len(tnames) return utvs, stimuli, pnames, tnames, tidx
[docs]def extract_filename_segments(fpath: str) -> InfoDict: """Get information from the name of a downloaded results file Will determine: * participant_scope: 'single' or 'multiple', how many participant sessions this file covers. * task_scope: 'single' or 'multiple', how many experiment tasks this file covers. * participant: the Meadows nickname of the participant, if this is a single participation file. * task_index: the 1-based index of the task in the experiment, if this is a single participant file. * task_name: the name of the task in the experiment, if this is not a single participant file. * version: the experiment version as a string. * experiment_name: name of the experiment on Meadows. * structure: the structure of the data contained, one of 'tree', 'events', '1D', '2D', etc. * filetype: the file extension and file format used to serialize the data. Args: fpath (str): File system path to downloaded file Returns: dict: Dictionary with the fields described above. """ fname, ext = basename(fpath).split('.') segments = fname.split('_') info = dict( version=segments[3].replace('v', ''), experiment_name=segments[1], structure=segments[-1], filetype=ext ) if segments[-2].isdigit(): info['task_scope'] = 'single' info['participant_scope'] = 'single' info['participant'] = segments[-3] info['task_index'] = int(segments[-2]) elif is_petname(segments[-2]): info['task_scope'] = 'multiple' info['participant_scope'] = 'single' info['participant'] = segments[-2] else: info['task_scope'] = 'single' info['participant_scope'] = 'multiple' info['task_name'] = segments[-2] return info
[docs]def is_petname(segment: str) -> bool: """Check whether the given string matches a name as generated by Petname Args: segment (str): potential name Returns: bool: True if the string is a petname """ if '-' in segment: parts = segment.split('-') if len(parts) == 2: if parts[1] in PETNAMES: return True return False