Source code for

saving to and reading from pickle files
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Dict, IO
try:  # drop:py37 (backport)
    from importlib.metadata import version
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from importlib_metadata import version
import pickle

[docs]def write_dict_pkl(fhandle: Union[str, IO], dictionary: Dict) -> None: """ writes a nested dictionary containing strings & arrays as data into a pickle file Args: file: a filename or opened writable file dictionary(dict): the dict to be saved """ if isinstance(fhandle, str): fhandle = open(fhandle, 'wb') dictionary['rsatoolbox_version'] = version('rsatoolbox') pickle.dump(dictionary, fhandle, protocol=-1)
[docs]def read_dict_pkl(fhandle: Union[str, IO]) -> Dict: """ writes a nested dictionary containing strings & arrays as data into a pickle file Args: file: a filename or opened readable file Returns: dictionary(dict): the loaded dict """ if isinstance(fhandle, str): fhandle = open(fhandle, 'rb') data = pickle.load(fhandle) return data