#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Parameter fitting methods for models
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import scipy.sparse
from rsatoolbox.rdm import compare
from rsatoolbox.util.matrix import get_v
from rsatoolbox.util.pooling import pool_rdm
from rsatoolbox.util.rdm_utils import _parse_nan_vectors
[docs]class Fitter:
"""Object to specify a fitting function and parameters
Effectively this gives the user a convenient way to specify fitting
functions with different settings than the defaults.
Create this object with the fitting function to use and additional
keyword arguments for settings you wish to change. The resulting
object then behaves as the fitting function itself with the
keyword arguments set to the different values provided at object
generate Fitter-object for ridge regression:
fit = pyrsa.model.Fitter(pyrsa.model.fit_regress, ridge_weight=1)
the resulting object 'fit' now does the same as
pyrsa.model.fit_regress when run with the additional argument
``ridge_weight=1``, i.e. the following two lines now yield equal results:
fit(model, data)
pyrsa.model.fit_regress(model, data, ridge_weight=1)
For a general introduction to flexible models see demo_flex.
def __init__(self, fit_fun, **kwargs):
self.fit_fun = fit_fun
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self, model, data, *args, **more_args):
return self.fit_fun(model, data, *args, **more_args, **self.kwargs)
[docs]def fit_mock(model, data, method='cosine', pattern_idx=None,
pattern_descriptor=None, sigma_k=None):
""" formally acceptable fitting method which always returns a vector of
model(rsatoolbox.model.Model): model to be fit
data(rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): Data to fit to
method(String): Evaluation method
pattern_idx(numpy.ndarray): Which patterns are sampled
pattern_descriptor(String): Which descriptor is used
sigma_k(matrix): pattern-covariance matrix
used only for whitened distances (ending in _cov)
to compute the covariance matrix for rdms
theta(numpy.ndarray): parameter vector
return np.zeros(model.n_param)
[docs]def fit_select(model, data, method='cosine', pattern_idx=None,
pattern_descriptor=None, sigma_k=None):
""" fits selection models by evaluating each rdm and selcting the one
with best performance. Works only for ModelSelect
model(rsatoolbox.model.Model): model to be fit
data(rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): Data to fit to
method(String): Evaluation method
pattern_idx(numpy.ndarray): Which patterns are sampled
pattern_descriptor(String): Which descriptor is used
sigma_k(matrix): pattern-covariance matrix
used only for whitened distances (ending in _cov)
to compute the covariance matrix for rdms
theta(int): parameter vector
evaluations = np.zeros(model.n_rdm)
for i_rdm in range(model.n_rdm):
pred = model.predict_rdm(i_rdm)
if not (pattern_idx is None or pattern_descriptor is None):
pred = pred.subsample_pattern(pattern_descriptor, pattern_idx)
evaluations[i_rdm] = np.mean(
compare(pred, data, method=method, sigma_k=sigma_k))
theta = np.argmax(evaluations)
return theta
[docs]def fit_optimize(model, data, method='cosine', pattern_idx=None,
pattern_descriptor=None, sigma_k=None, ridge_weight=0,
fitting theta using optimization
currently allowed for ModelWeighted only
model(Model): the model to be fit
data(rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): data to be fit
method(String, optional): evaluation metric The default is 'cosine'.
pattern_idx(numpy.ndarray, optional)
sampled patterns The default is None.
pattern_descriptor (String, optional)
descriptor used for fitting. The default is None.
sigma_k(matrix): pattern-covariance matrix
used only for whitened distances (ending in _cov)
to compute the covariance matrix for rdms
normalize(bool): whether to normalize the theta vector
default = True
If true, theta is normalized to norm 1.
This is sensible for many models where the norm
of theta does not vary the loss.
numpy.ndarray: theta, parameter vector for the model
def _loss_opt(theta):
return _loss(theta, model, data, method=method,
sigma_k=sigma_k, ridge_weight=ridge_weight)
thetas = []
losses = []
for _ in range(2 * model.n_param):
theta0 = np.random.rand(model.n_param)
theta = opt.minimize(
id = np.argmin(losses)
theta = thetas[id]
if not normalize:
return theta.flatten()
norm = np.sum(theta ** 2)
if norm == 0:
return theta.flatten()
return theta.flatten() / np.sqrt(norm)
[docs]def fit_optimize_positive(
model, data, method='cosine', pattern_idx=None,
pattern_descriptor=None, sigma_k=None, ridge_weight=0,
fitting theta using optimization enforcing positive weights
currently allowed for ModelWeighted only
model(Model): the model to be fit
data(pyrsa.rdm.RDMs): data to be fit
method(String, optional): evaluation metric The default is 'cosine'.
pattern_idx(numpy.ndarray, optional)
sampled patterns The default is None.
pattern_descriptor (String, optional)
descriptor used for fitting. The default is None.
sigma_k(matrix): pattern-covariance matrix
used only for whitened distances (ending in _cov)
to compute the covariance matrix for rdms
normalize(bool): whether to normalize the theta vector
default = True
If true, theta is normalized to norm 1.
This is sensible for many models where the norm
of theta does not vary the loss.
numpy.ndarray: theta, parameter vector for the model
def _loss_opt(theta):
return _loss(theta ** 2, model, data, method=method,
sigma_k=sigma_k, ridge_weight=ridge_weight)
theta0 = np.zeros(model.n_param)
thetas = [theta0]
losses = [_loss_opt(theta0)]
theta0 = np.random.rand(model.n_param)
theta = opt.minimize(
for i in range(model.n_param):
theta0 = np.ones(model.n_param) * 0.001
theta0[i] = 1
theta = opt.minimize(
id = np.argmin(losses)
theta = thetas[id] ** 2
if not normalize:
return theta.flatten()
norm = np.sum(theta ** 2)
if norm == 0:
return theta.flatten()
return theta.flatten() / np.sqrt(norm)
[docs]def fit_interpolate(model, data, method='cosine', pattern_idx=None,
pattern_descriptor=None, sigma_k=None):
fitting theta using bisection optimization
allowed for ModelInterpolate only
model(Model): the model to be fit
data(rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): data to be fit
method(String, optional): evaluation metric The default is 'cosine'.
pattern_idx(numpy.ndarray, optional)
sampled patterns The default is None.
pattern_descriptor (String, optional)
descriptor used for fitting. The default is None.
sigma_k(matrix): pattern-covariance matrix
used only for whitened distances (ending in _cov)
to compute the covariance matrix for rdms
numpy.ndarray: theta, parameter vector for the model
results = []
for i_pair in range(model.n_rdm - 1):
def loss_opt(w):
theta = np.zeros(model.n_param)
theta[i_pair] = w
theta[i_pair + 1] = 1 - w
return _loss(theta, model, data, method=method,
opt.minimize_scalar(loss_opt, np.array([.5]),
method='bounded', bounds=(0, 1)))
losses = [r.fun for r in results]
i_pair = np.argmin(losses)
result = results[i_pair]
theta = np.zeros(model.n_rdm)
theta[i_pair] = result.x
theta[i_pair + 1] = 1 - result.x
return theta
[docs]def fit_regress(model, data, method='cosine', pattern_idx=None,
pattern_descriptor=None, ridge_weight=0, sigma_k=None,
fitting theta using linear algebra solutions to the OLS problem
allowed for ModelWeighted only
This method first normalizes the data and model RDMs appropriately
for the measure to be optimized. For 'cosine' similarity this is a
normalization of the data-RDMs to vector length 1. For correlation
the mean is removed from both model and data rdms additionally.
Then the parameters are estimated using ordinary least squares.
model(Model): the model to be fit
data(pyrsa.rdm.RDMs): data to be fit
method(String, optional): evaluation metric The default is 'cosine'.
pattern_idx(numpy.ndarray, optional)
sampled patterns The default is None.
pattern_descriptor (String, optional)
descriptor used for fitting. The default is None.
ridge_weight (float, default=0)
weight for the ridge-regularisation of the regression
weight is in comparison to the final regression problem on
the appropriately normalized regressors
sigma_k(matrix): pattern-covariance matrix
used only for whitened distances (ending in _cov)
to compute the covariance matrix for rdms
normalize(bool): whether to normalize the theta vector
default = True
If true, theta is normalized to norm 1.
This is sensible for many models where the norm
of theta does not vary the loss.
numpy.ndarray: theta, parameter vector for the model
if not (pattern_idx is None or pattern_descriptor is None):
pred = model.rdm_obj.subsample_pattern(pattern_descriptor, pattern_idx)
pred = model.rdm_obj
vectors = pred.get_vectors()
data_mean = pool_rdm(data, method=method)
y = data_mean.get_vectors()
vectors, y, nan_idx = _parse_nan_vectors(vectors, y)
# Normalizations
if method == 'cosine':
v = None
elif method == 'corr':
vectors = vectors - np.mean(vectors, 1, keepdims=True)
v = None
elif method == 'cosine_cov':
v = get_v(pred.n_cond, sigma_k)
v = v[nan_idx[0]][:, nan_idx[0]]
elif method == 'corr_cov':
vectors = vectors - np.mean(vectors, 1, keepdims=True)
y = y - np.mean(y)
v = get_v(pred.n_cond, sigma_k)
v = v[nan_idx[0]][:, nan_idx[0]]
raise ValueError('method argument invalid')
if v is None:
X = vectors @ vectors.T + ridge_weight * np.eye(vectors.shape[0])
y = vectors @ y.T
v_inv_x = np.array([scipy.sparse.linalg.cg(v, vectors[i],
atol=10 ** -9)[0]
for i in range(vectors.shape[0])])
y = v_inv_x @ y.T
X = vectors @ v_inv_x.T + ridge_weight * np.eye(vectors.shape[0])
theta = np.linalg.solve(X, y)
if not normalize:
return theta.flatten()
norm = np.sum(theta ** 2)
if norm == 0:
return theta.flatten()
return theta.flatten() / np.sqrt(np.sum(theta ** 2))
[docs]def fit_regress_nn(model, data, method='cosine', pattern_idx=None,
pattern_descriptor=None, ridge_weight=0, sigma_k=None,
fitting theta using linear algebra solutions to the OLS problem
allowed for ModelWeighted only
This method first normalizes the data and model RDMs appropriately
for the measure to be optimized. For 'cosine' similarity this is a
normalization of the data-RDMs to vector length 1. For correlation
the mean is removed from both model and data rdms additionally.
Then the parameters are estimated using ordinary least squares.
model(Model): the model to be fit
data(pyrsa.rdm.RDMs): data to be fit
method(String, optional): evaluation metric The default is 'cosine'.
pattern_idx(numpy.ndarray, optional)
sampled patterns The default is None.
pattern_descriptor (String, optional)
descriptor used for fitting. The default is None.
ridge_weight (float, default=0)
weight for the ridge-regularisation of the regression
weight is in comparison to the final regression problem on
the appropriately normalized regressors
sigma_k(matrix): pattern-covariance matrix
used only for whitened distances (ending in _cov)
to compute the covariance matrix for rdms
normalize(bool): whether to normalize the theta vector
default = True
If true, theta is normalized to norm 1.
This is sensible for many models where the norm
of theta does not vary the loss.
numpy.ndarray: theta, parameter vector for the model
if not (pattern_idx is None or pattern_descriptor is None):
pred = model.rdm_obj.subsample_pattern(pattern_descriptor, pattern_idx)
pred = model.rdm_obj
vectors = pred.get_vectors()
data_mean = pool_rdm(data, method=method)
y = data_mean.get_vectors()
vectors, y, non_nan_mask = _parse_nan_vectors(vectors, y)
# Normalizations
if method == 'cosine':
v = None
elif method == 'corr':
vectors = vectors - np.mean(vectors, 1, keepdims=True)
v = None
elif method == 'cosine_cov':
v = get_v(pred.n_cond, sigma_k)
v = v[non_nan_mask[0]][:, non_nan_mask[0]]
elif method == 'corr_cov':
vectors = vectors - np.mean(vectors, 1, keepdims=True)
y = y - np.mean(y)
v = get_v(pred.n_cond, sigma_k)
v = v[non_nan_mask[0]][:, non_nan_mask[0]]
raise ValueError('method argument invalid')
theta, _ = _nn_least_squares(vectors.T, y[0], ridge_weight=ridge_weight, V=v)
if not normalize:
return theta.flatten()
norm = np.sum(theta ** 2)
if norm == 0:
return theta.flatten()
return theta.flatten() / np.sqrt(np.sum(theta ** 2))
def _loss(theta, model, data, method='cosine', sigma_k=None,
pattern_descriptor=None, pattern_idx=None,
"""Method for calculating a loss for a model and parameter combination
theta(numpy.ndarray): evaluated parameter value
model(Model): the model to be fit
data(rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): data to be fit
method(String, optional): evaluation metric The default is 'cosine'.
pattern_idx(numpy.ndarray, optional)
sampled patterns The default is None.
pattern_descriptor (String, optional)
descriptor used for fitting. The default is None.
sigma_k(matrix): pattern-covariance matrix
used only for whitened distances (ending in _cov)
to compute the covariance matrix for rdms
ridge_weight(float): weight for a ridge regularisation
numpy.ndarray: loss
pred = model.predict_rdm(theta)
if not (pattern_idx is None or pattern_descriptor is None):
pred = pred.subsample_pattern(pattern_descriptor, pattern_idx)
return -np.mean(compare(pred, data, method=method, sigma_k=sigma_k)) \
+ np.sum(theta * theta) * ridge_weight
def _nn_least_squares(A, y, ridge_weight=0, V=None):
""" non-negative least squares
essentially scipy.optimize.nnls extended to accept a ridge_regression
regularisation and/or a covariance matrix V.
The algorithm is discribed in detail here:
Bro, R., & Jong, S. D. (1997). A fast non-negativity-constrained
least squares algorithm. Journal of Chemometrics, 11, 9.
This is an active set algorithm which is somewhat optimized by
precomputing A^T V^-1 A and A^T V y such that during the optimization
only matricies of rank r need to be inverted.
This is tested against the scipy solution for ridge_weight=0 and V=None.
For other V the validation comes from fitting the same models using
general optimization.
assert A.shape[0] == y.shape[0]
assert y.ndim == 1
x = np.zeros(A.shape[1])
p = np.zeros(A.shape[1], bool)
if V is None:
w = A.T @ y
ATA = A.T @ A + ridge_weight * np.eye(A.shape[1])
V_A = np.array([scipy.sparse.linalg.cg(V, A[:, i],
atol=10 ** -9)[0]
for i in range(A.shape[1])])
y_V_A = V_A @ y
w = y_V_A
ATA = A.T @ V_A.T + ridge_weight * np.eye(A.shape[1])
while np.max(w) > 100 * np.finfo(float).eps:
p[np.argmax(w)] = True
if V is None:
s_p = np.linalg.solve(ATA[p][:, p], A[:, p].T @ y)
s_p = np.linalg.solve(ATA[p][:, p], y_V_A[p])
while np.any(s_p < 0):
alphas = x[p] / (x[p] - s_p)
alphas[s_p > 0] = 1
i_alpha = np.argmin(alphas)
alpha = alphas[i_alpha]
x[p] = x[p] + alpha * (s_p - x[p])
i_alpha = np.where(p)[0][i_alpha]
x[i_alpha] = 0
p[i_alpha] = False
if V is None:
s_p = np.linalg.solve(ATA[p][:, p], A[:, p].T @ y)
s_p = np.linalg.solve(ATA[p][:, p], y_V_A[p])
x[p] = s_p
if V is None:
w = A.T @ y - ATA @ x
w = y_V_A - ATA @ x
if V is None:
loss = np.sum((y - A @ x) ** 2)
loss = (y - A @ x).T @ V @ (y - A @ x)
return x, loss