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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Comparison methods for comparing two RDMs objects
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.stats._stats import _kendall_dis
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from rsatoolbox.util.matrix import pairwise_contrast_sparse
from rsatoolbox.util.matrix import pairwise_contrast
from rsatoolbox.util.rdm_utils import _get_n_from_reduced_vectors
from rsatoolbox.util.rdm_utils import _get_n_from_length
from rsatoolbox.util.matrix import row_col_indicator_g

[docs]def compare(rdm1, rdm2, method='cosine', sigma_k=None): """calculates the similarity between two RDMs objects using a chosen method Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs method (string): which method to use, options are: 'cosine' = cosine similarity 'spearman' = spearman rank correlation 'corr' = pearson correlation 'kendall' = kendall-tau b 'tau-a' = kendall-tau a 'rho-a' = spearman correlation without tie correction 'corr_cov' = pearson correlation after whitening 'cosine_cov' = unbiased distance correlation which is equivalent to the cosine dinstance after whitening 'neg_riem_dist' = negative riemannian distance sigma_k (numpy.ndarray): covariance matrix of the pattern estimates. Used only for methods 'corr_cov' and 'cosine_cov'. Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: pariwise similarities between the RDMs from the RDMs objects """ if method == 'cosine': sim = compare_cosine(rdm1, rdm2) elif method == 'spearman': sim = compare_spearman(rdm1, rdm2) elif method == 'corr': sim = compare_correlation(rdm1, rdm2) elif method in ('kendall', 'tau-b'): sim = compare_kendall_tau(rdm1, rdm2) elif method == 'tau-a': sim = compare_kendall_tau_a(rdm1, rdm2) elif method == 'rho-a': sim = compare_rho_a(rdm1, rdm2) elif method == 'corr_cov': sim = compare_correlation_cov_weighted(rdm1, rdm2, sigma_k=sigma_k) elif method == 'cosine_cov': sim = compare_cosine_cov_weighted(rdm1, rdm2, sigma_k=sigma_k) elif method == 'neg_riem_dist': sim = compare_neg_riemannian_distance(rdm1, rdm2, sigma_k=sigma_k) else: raise ValueError('Unknown RDM comparison method requested!') return sim
[docs]def compare_cosine(rdm1, rdm2): """calculates the cosine similarities between two RDMs objects Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist cosine similarity between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, _ = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) sim = _cosine(vector1, vector2) return sim
[docs]def compare_correlation(rdm1, rdm2): """calculates the correlations between two RDMs objects Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: correlations between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, _ = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) # compute by subtracting the mean and then calculating cosine similarity vector1 = vector1 - np.mean(vector1, 1, keepdims=True) vector2 = vector2 - np.mean(vector2, 1, keepdims=True) sim = _cosine(vector1, vector2) return sim
[docs]def compare_cosine_cov_weighted(rdm1, rdm2, sigma_k=None): """calculates the cosine similarities between two RDMs objects Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: cosine similarities between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, nan_idx = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) sim = _cosine_cov_weighted(vector1, vector2, sigma_k, nan_idx) return sim
[docs]def compare_correlation_cov_weighted(rdm1, rdm2, sigma_k=None): """calculates the correlations between two RDMs objects after whitening with the covariance of the entries Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: correlations between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, nan_idx = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) # compute by subtracting the mean and then calculating cosine similarity vector1 = vector1 - np.mean(vector1, 1, keepdims=True) vector2 = vector2 - np.mean(vector2, 1, keepdims=True) sim = _cosine_cov_weighted(vector1, vector2, sigma_k, nan_idx) return sim
[docs]def compare_spearman(rdm1, rdm2): """calculates the spearman rank correlations between two RDMs objects Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: rank correlations between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, _ = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) vector1 = np.apply_along_axis(scipy.stats.rankdata, 1, vector1) vector2 = np.apply_along_axis(scipy.stats.rankdata, 1, vector2) vector1 = vector1 - np.mean(vector1, 1, keepdims=True) vector2 = vector2 - np.mean(vector2, 1, keepdims=True) sim = _cosine(vector1, vector2) return sim
[docs]def compare_rho_a(rdm1, rdm2): """calculates the spearman rank correlations between two RDMs objects without tie correction Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: rank correlations between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, _ = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) vector1 = np.apply_along_axis(scipy.stats.rankdata, 1, vector1) vector2 = np.apply_along_axis(scipy.stats.rankdata, 1, vector2) vector1 = vector1 - np.mean(vector1, 1, keepdims=True) vector2 = vector2 - np.mean(vector2, 1, keepdims=True) n = vector1.shape[1] sim = np.einsum('ij,kj->ik', vector1, vector2) / (n ** 3 - n) * 12 return sim
[docs]def compare_kendall_tau(rdm1, rdm2): """calculates the Kendall-tau bs between two RDMs objects. Kendall-tau b is the version, which corrects for ties. We here use the implementation from scipy. Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: kendall-tau correlation between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, _ = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) sim = _all_combinations(vector1, vector2, _kendall_tau) return sim
[docs]def compare_kendall_tau_a(rdm1, rdm2): """calculates the Kendall-tau a based distance between two RDMs objects. adequate when some models predict ties Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: kendall-tau a between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, _ = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) sim = _all_combinations(vector1, vector2, _tau_a) return sim
[docs]def compare_neg_riemannian_distance(rdm1, rdm2, sigma_k=None): """calculates the negative Riemannian distance between two RDMs objects. Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs Returns: numpy.ndarray: dist: negative Riemannian distance between the two RDMs """ vector1, vector2, _ = _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2) n_cond = _get_n_from_length(vector1.shape[1]) if sigma_k is None: sigma_k = np.eye(n_cond) P = np.block([-1*np.ones((n_cond - 1, 1)), np.eye(n_cond - 1)]) sigma_k_hat = P@sigma_k@P.T # construct RDM to 2nd-moment (G) transformation pairs = pairwise_contrast(np.arange(n_cond-1)) pairs[pairs == -1] = 1 T = np.block([ [np.eye(n_cond - 1), np.zeros((n_cond-1, vector1.shape[1] - n_cond + 1))], [0.5 * pairs, np.diag(-0.5 * np.ones(vector1.shape[1] - n_cond + 1))]]) vec_G1 = vector1@np.transpose(T) vec_G2 = vector2@np.transpose(T) sim = _all_combinations(vec_G1, vec_G2, _riemannian_distance, sigma_k_hat) return sim
def _all_combinations(vectors1, vectors2, func, *args, **kwargs): """runs a function func on all combinations of v1 in vectors1 and v2 in vectors2 and puts the results into an array Args: vectors1 (numpy.ndarray): first set of values vectors1 (numpy.ndarray): second set of values func (function): function to be applied, should take two input vectors and return one scalar Returns: numpy.ndarray: value: function result over all pairs """ value = np.empty((len(vectors1), len(vectors2))) k1 = 0 for v1 in vectors1: k2 = 0 for v2 in vectors2: value[k1, k2] = func(v1, v2, *args, **kwargs) k2 += 1 k1 += 1 return value def _cosine_cov_weighted_slow(vector1, vector2, sigma_k=None, nan_idx=None): """computes the cosine similarities between two sets of vectors after whitening by their covariance. Args: vector1 (numpy.ndarray): first vectors (2D) vector1 (numpy.ndarray): second vectors (2D) sigma_k (Matrix): optional, covariance between pattern estimates nan_idx (numpy.ndarray): vector of non-nan entries from input parsing Returns: cos (float): cosine of the angle between vectors """ if nan_idx is not None: n_cond = _get_n_from_reduced_vectors(nan_idx.reshape(1, -1)) v = _get_v(n_cond, sigma_k) v = v[nan_idx][:, nan_idx] else: n_cond = _get_n_from_reduced_vectors(vector1) v = _get_v(n_cond, sigma_k) # compute V^-1 vector1/2 for all vectors by solving Vx = vector1/2 vector1_m = np.array([, vector1[i], atol=0)[0] for i in range(vector1.shape[0])]) vector2_m = np.array([, vector2[i], atol=0)[0] for i in range(vector2.shape[0])]) # compute the inner products v1^T (V^-1 v2) for all combinations cos = np.einsum('ij,kj->ik', vector1, vector2_m) # divide by sqrt(v1^T (V^-1 v1)) cos /= np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', vector1, vector1_m)).reshape((-1, 1)) # divide by sqrt(v2^T (V^-1 v2)) cos /= np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', vector2, vector2_m)).reshape((1, -1)) return cos def _cosine_cov_weighted(vector1, vector2, sigma_k=None, nan_idx=None): """computes the cosine angles between two sets of vectors weighted by the covariance If no covariance is given this is computed using the linear CKA, which is equivalent in this case and faster to compute. Otherwise reverts to _cosine_cov_weighted_slow. Args: vector1 (numpy.ndarray): first vectors (2D) vector1 (numpy.ndarray): second vectors (2D) sigma_k (Matrix): optional, covariance between pattern estimates Returns: cos (float): cosine angle between vectors """ if (sigma_k is not None) and (sigma_k.ndim >= 2): cos = _cosine_cov_weighted_slow( vector1, vector2, sigma_k=sigma_k, nan_idx=nan_idx) else: if nan_idx is None: nan_idx = np.ones(vector1[0].shape, bool) # Compute the extended version of RDM vectors in whitened space vector1_m = _cov_weighting(vector1, nan_idx, sigma_k) vector2_m = _cov_weighting(vector2, nan_idx, sigma_k) cos = _cosine(vector1_m, vector2_m) return cos def _cov_weighting(vector, nan_idx, sigma_k=None): """Transforms an array of RDM vectors in to representation in which the elements are isotropic. This is a stretched-out second moment matrix, with the diagonal elements appended. To account for the fact that the off-diagonal elements are only there once, they are multipled by 2 Args: vector (numpy.ndarray): RDM vectors (2D) N x n_dist Returns: vector_w: weighted vectors (M x n_dist + n_cond) """ N, n_dist = vector.shape n_cond = _get_n_from_length(nan_idx.shape[0]) vector_w = -0.5 * np.c_[vector, np.zeros((N, n_cond))] rowI, colI = row_col_indicator_g(n_cond) sumI = rowI + colI if np.all(nan_idx): # column and row means m = vector_w @ sumI / n_cond # Overall mean mm = np.sum(vector_w * 2, axis=1, keepdims=True) / (n_cond * n_cond) # subtract the column and row means and add overall mean vector_w = vector_w - m @ sumI.T + mm if sigma_k is not None: if sigma_k.ndim == 1: sigma_k_sqrt = np.sqrt(sigma_k) vector_w /= rowI @ sigma_k_sqrt vector_w /= colI @ sigma_k_sqrt elif sigma_k.ndim == 2: l_sigma_k = np.linalg.inv(np.linalg.cholesky(sigma_k)) Gs = np.empty((vector.shape[0], n_cond, n_cond)) for i_vec in range(vector.shape[0]): G = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform( vector_w[i_vec, :n_dist]) np.fill_diagonal(G, vector_w[i_vec, n_dist:]) Gs[i_vec] = G # These two are the slow lines for this whitening Gs = np.einsum('ij,mjk,lk->mil', l_sigma_k, Gs, l_sigma_k) vector_w = np.einsum('ij,mjk,ik->mi', rowI, Gs, colI) else: nan_idx_ext = np.concatenate((nan_idx, np.ones(n_cond, bool))) sumI = sumI[nan_idx_ext] # get matrix for double centering with missing values: sumI[n_dist:, :] /= 2 diag = np.concatenate((np.ones((n_dist, 1)) / 2, np.ones((n_cond, 1)))) # one line version much faster here! vector_w = vector_w - ( vector_w @ sumI @ np.linalg.inv(sumI.T @ (diag * sumI)) @ (diag * sumI).T) if sigma_k is not None: if sigma_k.ndim == 1: sigma_k_sqrt = np.sqrt(sigma_k) vector_w /= rowI[nan_idx_ext] @ sigma_k_sqrt vector_w /= colI[nan_idx_ext] @ sigma_k_sqrt elif sigma_k.ndim == 2: raise ValueError('cannot handle sigma_k and nans') # Weight the off-diagnoal terms double vector_w[:, :n_dist] = vector_w[:, :n_dist] * np.sqrt(2) return vector_w def _cosine(vector1, vector2): """computes the cosine angles between two sets of vectors Args: vector1 (numpy.ndarray): first vectors (2D) vector1 (numpy.ndarray): second vectors (2D) Returns: cos (float): cosine angle between vectors """ norm_1 = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', vector1, vector1)) norm_2 = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', vector2, vector2)) sel_1 = norm_1 > 0 sel_2 = norm_2 > 0 # without more indexing if all vectors are nonzero length if np.all(sel_1) and np.all(sel_2): # compute all inner products cos_ok = np.einsum('ij,kj->ik', vector1, vector2) # divide by sqrt of the inner products with themselves cos_ok /= norm_1.reshape((-1, 1)) cos_ok /= norm_2.reshape((1, -1)) return cos_ok # keep track of indexing if some vectors are 0 # compute all inner products cos_ok = np.einsum('ij,kj->ik', vector1[sel_1], vector2[sel_2]) # divide by sqrt of the inner products with themselves cos_ok /= norm_1[sel_1].reshape((-1, 1)) cos_ok /= norm_2[sel_2].reshape((1, -1)) cos = np.zeros((vector1.shape[0], vector2.shape[0])) np.putmask(cos, np.outer(norm_1 > 0, norm_2 > 0), cos_ok) return cos def _riemannian_distance(vec_G1, vec_G2, sigma_k): """computes the Riemannian distance between two vectorized second moments Args: vec_G1 (numpy.ndarray): first vectorized second-moment vec_G2 (numpy.ndarray): second vectorized second-moment Returns: neg_riem (float): negative riemannian distance """ n_cond = _get_n_from_length(len(vec_G1)) G1 = np.diag(vec_G1[0:(n_cond-1)])+squareform(vec_G1[(n_cond-1):len(vec_G1)]) G2 = np.diag(vec_G2[0:(n_cond-1)])+squareform(vec_G2[(n_cond-1):len(vec_G2)]) def fun(theta): return np.sqrt((np.log(linalg.eigvalsh( np.exp(theta[0]) * G1 + np.exp(theta[1]) * sigma_k, G2))**2).sum()) theta = minimize(fun, (0, 0), method='Nelder-Mead') neg_riem = -1 * return neg_riem def _kendall_tau(vector1, vector2): """computes the kendall-tau between two vectors Args: vector1 (numpy.ndarray): first vector vector1 (numpy.ndarray): second vector Returns: tau (float): kendall-tau """ tau = scipy.stats.kendalltau(vector1, vector2).correlation return tau def _tau_a(vector1, vector2): """computes kendall-tau a between two vectors based on modifying scipy.stats.kendalltau Args: vector1 (numpy.ndarray): first vector vector1 (numpy.ndarray): second vector Returns: tau (float): kendall-tau a """ size = vector1.size vector1, vector2 = _sort_and_rank(vector1, vector2) vector2, vector1 = _sort_and_rank(vector2, vector1) dis = _kendall_dis(vector1, vector2) # discordant pairs obs = np.r_[True, (vector1[1:] != vector1[:-1]) | (vector2[1:] != vector2[:-1]), True] cnt = np.diff(np.nonzero(obs)[0]).astype('int64', copy=False) ntie = (cnt * (cnt - 1) // 2).sum() # joint ties xtie, _, _ = _count_rank_tie(vector1) # ties in x, stats ytie, _, _ = _count_rank_tie(vector2) # ties in y, stats tot = (size * (size - 1)) // 2 # Note that tot = con + dis + (xtie - ntie) + (ytie - ntie) + ntie # = con + dis + xtie + ytie - ntie con_minus_dis = tot - xtie - ytie + ntie - 2 * dis tau = con_minus_dis / tot # Limit range to fix computational errors tau = min(1., max(-1., tau)) return tau def _sort_and_rank(vector1, vector2): """does the sort and rank step of the _tau calculation""" perm = np.argsort(vector2, kind='mergesort') vector1 = vector1[perm] vector2 = vector2[perm] vector2 = np.r_[True, vector2[1:] != vector2[:-1]].cumsum(dtype=np.intp) return vector1, vector2 def _count_rank_tie(ranks): """ counts tied ranks for kendall-tau calculation""" cnt = np.bincount(ranks).astype('int64', copy=False) cnt = cnt[cnt > 1] return ((cnt * (cnt - 1) // 2).sum(), (cnt * (cnt - 1.) * (cnt - 2)).sum(), (cnt * (cnt - 1.) * (2*cnt + 5)).sum()) def _get_v(n_cond, sigma_k): """ get the rdm covariance from sigma_k """ # calculate Xi c_mat = pairwise_contrast_sparse(np.arange(n_cond)) if sigma_k is None: xi = c_mat @ c_mat.transpose() elif sigma_k.ndim == 1: sigma_k = scipy.sparse.diags(sigma_k) xi = c_mat @ sigma_k @ c_mat.transpose() else: sigma_k = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(sigma_k) xi = c_mat @ sigma_k @ c_mat.transpose() # calculate V v = xi.multiply(xi).tocsc() return v def _parse_input_rdms(rdm1, rdm2): """Gets the vector representation of input RDMs, raises an error if the two RDMs objects have different dimensions Args: rdm1 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): first set of RDMs rdm2 (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): second set of RDMs """ if not isinstance(rdm1, np.ndarray): vector1 = rdm1.get_vectors() else: if len(rdm1.shape) == 1: vector1 = rdm1.reshape(1, -1) else: vector1 = rdm1 if not isinstance(rdm2, np.ndarray): vector2 = rdm2.get_vectors() else: if len(rdm2.shape) == 1: vector2 = rdm2.reshape(1, -1) else: vector2 = rdm2 if not vector1.shape[1] == vector2.shape[1]: raise ValueError('rdm1 and rdm2 must be RDMs of equal shape') nan_idx = ~np.isnan(vector1) vector1_no_nan = vector1[nan_idx].reshape(vector1.shape[0], -1) vector2_no_nan = vector2[~np.isnan(vector2)].reshape(vector2.shape[0], -1) if not vector1_no_nan.shape[1] == vector2_no_nan.shape[1]: raise ValueError('rdm1 and rdm2 have different nan positions') return vector1_no_nan, vector2_no_nan, nan_idx[0]