#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Inference module utilities
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Iterable
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import rankdata, wilcoxon
from scipy.stats import t as tdist
from rsatoolbox.model import Model
from rsatoolbox.rdm import RDMs
from .matrix import pairwise_contrast
from .rdm_utils import batch_to_matrices
from numpy.typing import NDArray
[docs]def pool_rdm(rdms, method: str = 'cosine'):
"""pools multiple RDMs into the one with maximal performance under a given
evaluation metric
rdm_descriptors of the generated rdms are empty
rdms (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs):
RDMs to be pooled
method : String, optional
Which comparison method to optimize for. The default is 'cosine'.
rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs: the pooled RDM, i.e. a RDM with maximal performance
under the chosen method
rdm_vec = rdms.get_vectors()
if method == 'euclid':
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
elif method == 'neg_riem_dist':
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
elif method == 'cosine':
rdm_vec = rdm_vec / np.sqrt(np.nanmean(rdm_vec ** 2, axis=1,
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
elif method == 'corr':
rdm_vec = rdm_vec - np.nanmean(rdm_vec, axis=1, keepdims=True)
rdm_vec = rdm_vec / np.nanstd(rdm_vec, axis=1, keepdims=True)
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
rdm_vec = rdm_vec - np.nanmin(rdm_vec)
elif method == 'cosine_cov':
rdm_vec = rdm_vec / np.sqrt(np.nanmean(rdm_vec ** 2, axis=1,
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
elif method == 'corr_cov':
rdm_vec = rdm_vec - np.nanmean(rdm_vec, axis=1, keepdims=True)
rdm_vec = rdm_vec / np.nanstd(rdm_vec, axis=1, keepdims=True)
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
rdm_vec = rdm_vec - np.nanmin(rdm_vec)
elif method in ('spearman', 'rho-a'):
rdm_vec = np.array([_nan_rank_data(v) for v in rdm_vec])
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
elif method == 'rho-a':
rdm_vec = np.array([_nan_rank_data(v) for v in rdm_vec])
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
elif method in ('kendall', 'tau-b'):
warnings.warn('Noise ceiling for tau based on averaged ranks!')
rdm_vec = np.array([_nan_rank_data(v) for v in rdm_vec])
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
elif method == 'tau-a':
warnings.warn('Noise ceiling for tau based on averaged ranks!')
rdm_vec = np.array([_nan_rank_data(v) for v in rdm_vec])
rdm_vec = _nan_mean(rdm_vec)
raise ValueError('Unknown RDM comparison method requested!')
return RDMs(rdm_vec,
def _nan_mean(rdm_vector: NDArray) -> NDArray:
""" takes the average over a rdm_vector with nans for masked entries
without a warning
rdm_vector(numpy.ndarray): set of rdm_vectors to be averaged
rdm_mean(numpy.ndarray): the mean rdm
nan_idx = ~np.isnan(rdm_vector[0])
mean_values = np.mean(rdm_vector[:, nan_idx], axis=0)
rdm_mean = np.empty((1, rdm_vector.shape[1]))
rdm_mean[:, nan_idx] = mean_values
return rdm_mean
def _nan_rank_data(rdm_vector: NDArray) -> NDArray:
""" rank_data for vectors with nan entries
rdm_vector(numpy.ndarray): the vector to be rank_transformed
ranks(numpy.ndarray): the ranks with nans where the original vector
had nans
ranks_no_nan = rankdata(rdm_vector[~np.isnan(rdm_vector)])
ranks = np.ones_like(rdm_vector) * np.nan
ranks[~np.isnan(rdm_vector)] = ranks_no_nan
return ranks
[docs]def all_tests(
evaluations: NDArray,
noise_ceil: NDArray,
test_type: str = 't-test',
model_var: Optional[NDArray] = None,
diff_var: Optional[NDArray] = None,
noise_ceil_var: Optional[NDArray] = None,
dof: int = 1):
"""wrapper running all tests necessary for the model plot
-> pairwise tests, tests against 0 and against noise ceiling
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be compared
(should be 3D: bootstrap x models x subjects or repeats)
noise_ceil (numpy.ndarray):
noise_ceiling estimate(s) to compare against
't-test' : t-test bases tests using variances
'bootstrap' : Direct bootstrap sample based tests
'ranksum' : Wilcoxon signed rank-sum tests
model_var, diff_var, noise_ceil_var:
variance estimates from the results object.
These correspond to the variances of the individual model evals,
pairs of model evals and differences from the noise ceiling.
numpy.ndarrays: p_pairwise, p_zero, p_noise
if test_type == 't-test':
p_pairwise = t_tests(evaluations, diff_var, dof=dof)
p_zero = t_test_0(evaluations, model_var, dof=dof)
p_noise = t_test_nc(evaluations, noise_ceil_var[:, 0],
np.nanmean(noise_ceil[0]), dof)
elif test_type == 'bootstrap':
if len(noise_ceil.shape) > 1:
noise_lower_bs = noise_ceil[0]
noise_lower_bs.shape = (noise_ceil.shape[0], 1)
noise_lower_bs = noise_ceil[0].reshape(1, 1)
p_pairwise = bootstrap_pair_tests(evaluations)
p_zero = ((evaluations <= 0).sum(axis=0) + 1) / evaluations.shape[0]
diffs = noise_lower_bs - evaluations
p_noise = ((diffs <= 0).sum(axis=0) + 1) / evaluations.shape[0]
elif test_type == 'ranksum':
noise_c = np.nanmean(noise_ceil[0])
p_pairwise = ranksum_pair_test(evaluations)
p_zero = ranksum_value_test(evaluations, 0)
p_noise = ranksum_value_test(evaluations, noise_c)
raise ValueError('test_type not recognized.\n'
+ 'Options are: t-test, bootstrap, ranksum')
return p_pairwise, p_zero, p_noise
[docs]def pair_tests(
evaluations: NDArray,
test_type: str = 't-test',
diff_var: Optional[NDArray] = None,
dof: int = 1):
"""wrapper running pair tests
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be compared
(should be 3D: bootstrap x models x subjects or repeats)
't-test' : t-test bases tests using variances
'bootstrap' : Direct bootstrap sample based tests
'ranksum' : Wilcoxon signed rank-sum tests
numpy.ndarray: p_pairwise
if test_type == 't-test':
p_pairwise = t_tests(evaluations, diff_var, dof=dof)
elif test_type == 'bootstrap':
p_pairwise = bootstrap_pair_tests(evaluations)
elif test_type == 'ranksum':
p_pairwise = ranksum_pair_test(evaluations)
raise ValueError('test_type not recognized.\n'
+ 'Options are: t-test, bootstrap, ranksum')
return p_pairwise
[docs]def zero_tests(evaluations, test_type='t-test',
model_var=None, dof=1):
"""wrapper running tests against 0
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be compared
(should be 3D: bootstrap x models x subjects or repeats)
't-test' : t-test bases tests using variances
'bootstrap' : Direct bootstrap sample based tests
'ranksum' : Wilcoxon signed rank-sum tests
numpy.ndarray: p_zero
if test_type == 't-test':
p_zero = t_test_0(evaluations, model_var, dof=dof)
elif test_type == 'bootstrap':
p_zero = ((evaluations <= 0).sum(axis=0) + 1) / evaluations.shape[0]
elif test_type == 'ranksum':
p_zero = ranksum_value_test(evaluations, 0)
raise ValueError('test_type not recognized.\n'
+ 'Options are: t-test, bootstrap, ranksum')
return p_zero
[docs]def nc_tests(evaluations, noise_ceil, test_type='t-test',
noise_ceil_var=None, dof=1):
"""wrapper running tests against noise ceiling
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be compared
(should be 3D: bootstrap x models x subjects or repeats)
noise_ceil (numpy.ndarray):
noise_ceiling estimate(s) to compare against
't-test' : t-test bases tests using variances
'bootstrap' : Direct bootstrap sample based tests
'ranksum' : Wilcoxon signed rank-sum tests
variance estimate from the results object.
These correspond to the variances of the
differences from the noise ceiling.
numpy.ndarrays: p_noise
if test_type == 't-test':
p_noise = t_test_nc(evaluations, noise_ceil_var[:, 0],
np.nanmean(noise_ceil[0]), dof)
elif test_type == 'bootstrap':
if len(noise_ceil.shape) > 1:
noise_lower_bs = noise_ceil[0]
noise_lower_bs.shape = (noise_ceil.shape[0], 1)
noise_lower_bs = noise_ceil[0].reshape(1, 1)
diffs = noise_lower_bs - evaluations
p_noise = ((diffs <= 0).sum(axis=0) + 1) / evaluations.shape[0]
elif test_type == 'ranksum':
noise_c = np.nanmean(noise_ceil[0])
p_noise = ranksum_value_test(evaluations, noise_c)
raise ValueError('test_type not recognized.\n'
+ 'Options are: t-test, bootstrap, ranksum')
return p_noise
[docs]def ranksum_pair_test(evaluations):
"""pairwise tests between models using the wilcoxon signed rank test
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be compared
(should be 3D: bootstrap x models x subjects or repeats)
numpy.ndarray: matrix of proportions of opposit conclusions, i.e.
p-values for the test
# check that the dimensionality is correct
assert evaluations.ndim == 3, \
'provided evaluations array has wrong dimensionality'
n_model = evaluations.shape[1]
# ignore bootstraps
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, 0)
pvalues = np.empty((n_model, n_model))
for i_model in range(n_model - 1):
for j_model in range(i_model + 1, n_model):
pvalues[i_model, j_model] = wilcoxon(
evaluations[i_model], evaluations[j_model]).pvalue
pvalues[j_model, i_model] = pvalues[i_model, j_model]
np.fill_diagonal(pvalues, 1)
return pvalues
[docs]def ranksum_value_test(evaluations, comp_value=0):
"""nonparametric wilcoxon signed rank test against a fixed value
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be compared
(should be 3D: bootstrap x models x subjects or repeats)
value to compare against
float: p-value
# check that the dimensionality is correct
assert evaluations.ndim == 3, \
'provided evaluations array has wrong dimensionality'
n_model = evaluations.shape[1]
# ignore bootstraps
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, 0)
pvalues = np.empty(n_model)
for i_model in range(n_model):
pvalues[i_model] = wilcoxon(
evaluations[i_model] - comp_value).pvalue
return pvalues
[docs]def bootstrap_pair_tests(evaluations):
"""pairwise bootstrapping significance tests for a difference in model
Tests add 1/len(evaluations) to each p-value and are computed as
two sided tests, i.e. as 2 * the smaller proportion
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be compared
numpy.ndarray: matrix of proportions of opposit conclusions, i.e.
p-values for the bootstrap test
proportions = np.zeros((evaluations.shape[1], evaluations.shape[1]))
while len(evaluations.shape) > 2:
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, axis=-1)
for i_model in range(evaluations.shape[1] - 1):
for j_model in range(i_model + 1, evaluations.shape[1]):
proportions[i_model, j_model] = np.sum(
evaluations[:, i_model] < evaluations[:, j_model]) \
/ (evaluations.shape[0] -
np.sum(evaluations[:, i_model] == evaluations[:, j_model]))
proportions[j_model, i_model] = proportions[i_model, j_model]
proportions = np.minimum(proportions, 1 - proportions) * 2
proportions = (len(evaluations) - 1) / len(evaluations) * proportions \
+ 1 / len(evaluations)
np.fill_diagonal(proportions, 1)
return proportions
[docs]def t_tests(evaluations, variances, dof=1):
"""pairwise t_test based significant tests for a difference in model
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be tested, typically from a results object
variances (numpy.ndarray):
vector of the variances of model evaluation differences
dof (integer):
degrees of freedom used for the test (default=1)
numpy.ndarray: matrix of p-values for the test
if variances is None:
raise ValueError('No variance estimates provided for t_test!')
n_model = evaluations.shape[1]
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, 0)
while evaluations.ndim > 1:
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, axis=-1)
C = pairwise_contrast(np.arange(n_model))
diffs = C @ evaluations
t = diffs / np.sqrt(np.maximum(variances, np.finfo(float).eps))
t = batch_to_matrices(np.array([t]))[0][0]
p = 2 * (1 - stats.t.cdf(np.abs(t), dof))
return p
[docs]def t_test_0(evaluations, variances, dof=1):
t-tests against 0 performance.
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be tested, typically from a results object
variances (numpy.ndarray):
vector of model evaluation variances
dof (integer):
degrees of freedom used for the test (default=1)
numpy.ndarray: p-values for the raw t-test of each model against 0.
if variances is None:
raise ValueError('No variance estimates provided for t_test!')
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, 0)
while evaluations.ndim > 1:
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, axis=-1)
t = evaluations / np.sqrt(np.maximum(variances, np.finfo(float).eps))
p = 1 - stats.t.cdf(t, dof)
return p
[docs]def t_test_nc(evaluations, variances, noise_ceil, dof=1):
t-tests against noise_ceiling.
Technically this can be used to test evaluations against any fixed
evaluations (numpy.ndarray):
model evaluations to be tested, typically from a results object
variances (numpy.ndarray):
variance estimates for the comparisons to the noise ceiling
noise_ceil (float):
the average noise ceiling to test against.
noise_ceil_var (numpy.ndarray):
variance or covariance of the noise ceiling
dof (integer):
degrees of freedom used for the test (default=1)
numpy.ndarray: p-values for the raw t-test of each model against
the noise ceiling.
if variances is None:
raise ValueError('No variance estimates provided for t_test!')
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, 0)
while evaluations.ndim > 1:
evaluations = np.nanmean(evaluations, axis=-1)
p = np.empty(len(evaluations))
for i, eval_i in enumerate(evaluations):
t = (eval_i - noise_ceil) / np.sqrt(
np.maximum(variances[i], np.finfo(float).eps))
p[i] = 2 * (1 - stats.t.cdf(np.abs(t), dof))
return p
def _correct_1d(
variance: NDArray,
n_pattern: Optional[int] = None,
n_rdm: Optional[int] = None):
if (n_pattern is not None) and (n_rdm is not None):
# uncorrected dual bootstrap?
n = min(n_rdm, n_pattern)
elif n_pattern is not None:
n = n_pattern
elif n_rdm is not None:
n = n_rdm
n = None
if n is not None:
variance = (n / (n - 1)) * variance
return variance
[docs]def get_errorbars(model_var, evaluations, dof, error_bars='sem',
""" computes errorbars for the model-evaluations from a results object
results : rsatoolbox.inference.Results
the results object
eb_type : str, optional
which errorbars to compute
limits (np.array)
if model_var is None:
return np.full((2, evaluations.shape[1]), np.nan)
if error_bars.lower() == 'sem':
errorbar_low = np.sqrt(np.maximum(model_var, 0))
errorbar_high = np.sqrt(np.maximum(model_var, 0))
elif error_bars[0:2].lower() == 'ci':
if len(error_bars) == 2:
CI_percent = 95.0
CI_percent = float(error_bars[2:])
prop_cut = (1 - CI_percent / 100) / 2
if test_type == 'bootstrap':
n_models = evaluations.shape[1]
framed_evals = np.concatenate(
(np.tile(np.array((-np.inf, np.inf)).reshape(2, 1),
(1, n_models)),
perf = np.nanmean(evaluations, 0)
while perf.ndim > 1:
perf = np.nanmean(perf, -1)
errorbar_low = -(np.quantile(framed_evals, prop_cut, axis=0)
- perf)
errorbar_high = (np.quantile(framed_evals, 1 - prop_cut,
- perf)
std_eval = np.sqrt(np.maximum(model_var, 0))
errorbar_low = std_eval \
* tdist.ppf(prop_cut, dof)
errorbar_high = std_eval \
* tdist.ppf(prop_cut, dof)
raise ValueError('computing errorbars: Argument ' +
'error_bars is incorrectly defined as '
+ str(error_bars) + '.')
limits = np.stack((errorbar_low, errorbar_high))
if np.isnan(limits).any() or (abs(limits) == np.inf).any():
raise ValueError(
'computing errorbars: Too few bootstrap samples for the ' +
'requested confidence interval: ' + error_bars + '.')
return limits
def _dual_bootstrap(variances, n_rdm=None, n_pattern=None):
""" helper function to perform the dual bootstrap
Takes a 3x... array of variances and computes the corrections assuming:
variances[0] are the variances in the double bootstrap
variances[1] are the variances in the rdm bootstrap
variances[2] are the variances in the pattern bootstrap
If both n_rdm and n_pattern are given this uses
the more accurate small sample formula.
if n_rdm is None or n_pattern is None:
variance = 2 * (variances[1] + variances[2]) \
- variances[0]
variance = np.maximum(np.maximum(
variance, variances[1]), variances[2])
variance = np.minimum(
variance, variances[0])
variance = (
(n_rdm / (n_rdm - 1)) * variances[1]
+ (n_pattern / (n_pattern - 1)) * variances[2]
- ((n_pattern * n_rdm / (n_pattern - 1) / (n_rdm - 1))
* (variances[0] - variances[1] - variances[2])))
variance = np.maximum(np.maximum(
(n_rdm / (n_rdm - 1)) * variances[1]),
(n_pattern / (n_pattern - 1)) * variances[2])
variance = np.minimum(
variance, variances[0])
return variance
[docs]def default_k_pattern(n_pattern):
""" the default number of pattern divisions for crossvalidation
minimum number of patterns is 3*k_pattern. Thus for n_pattern <=9 this
returns 2. From there it grows gradually until 5 groups are made for 40
patterns. From this point onwards the number of groups is kept at 5.
bootstrapped crossvalidation also uses this function to set k, but scales
n_rdm to the expected proportion of samples retained when bootstrapping
if n_pattern < 12:
k_pattern = 2
elif n_pattern < 24:
k_pattern = 3
elif n_pattern < 40:
k_pattern = 4
k_pattern = 5
return k_pattern
[docs]def default_k_rdm(n_rdm):
""" the default number of rdm groupsfor crossvalidation
minimum number of subjects is k_rdm. We switch to more groups whenever
the groups all contain more rdms, e.g. we make 3 groups of 2 instead of
2 groups of 3. We follow this scheme until we reach 5 groups of 4.
From there on this function returns 5 groups forever.
bootstrapped crossvalidation also uses this function to set k, but scales
n_rdm to the expected proportion of samples retained when bootstrapping
if n_rdm < 6:
k_rdm = 2
elif n_rdm < 12:
k_rdm = 3
elif n_rdm < 20:
k_rdm = 4
k_rdm = 5
return k_rdm