Source code for rsatoolbox.util.matrix

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Collection of different utility Matrices

from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix, spmatrix

[docs]def indicator(index_vector, positive=False): """ Indicator matrix with one column per unique element in vector Args: index_vector (numpy.ndarray): n_row vector to code - discrete values (one dimensional) positive (bool): should the function ignore zero negative entries in the index_vector? Default: false Returns: indicator_matrix (numpy.ndarray): nrow x nconditions indicator matrix """ c_unique = np.unique(index_vector) n_unique = c_unique.size rows = np.size(index_vector) if positive: c_unique = c_unique[c_unique > 0] n_unique = c_unique.size indicator_matrix = np.zeros((rows, n_unique)) for i in np.arange(n_unique): indicator_matrix[index_vector == c_unique[i], i] = 1 return indicator_matrix
[docs]def pairwise_contrast(index_vector): """ Contrast matrix with one row per unqiue pairwise contrast Args: index_vector (numpy.ndarray): n_row vector to code discrete values (one dimensional) Returns: numpy.ndarray: indicator_matrix: n_values * (n_values-1)/2 x n_row contrast matrix """ c_unique = np.unique(index_vector) n_unique = c_unique.size rows = np.size(index_vector) cols = int(n_unique * (n_unique - 1) / 2) indicator_matrix = np.zeros((cols, rows)) n_row = 0 # Now make an indicator_matrix with a pair of conditions per row for i in range(n_unique): for j in np.arange(i + 1, n_unique): select = (index_vector == c_unique[i]) indicator_matrix[n_row, select] = 1. / np.sum(select) select = (index_vector == c_unique[j]) indicator_matrix[n_row, select] = -1. / np.sum(select) n_row = n_row + 1 return indicator_matrix
[docs]def pairwise_contrast_sparse(index_vector) -> csr_matrix: """ Contrast matrix with one row per unqiue pairwise contrast Args: index_vector (numpy.ndarray): n_row vector to code discrete values (one dimensional) Returns: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix: indicator_matrix: n_values * (n_values-1)/2 x n_row contrast matrix """ c_unique = np.unique(index_vector) n_unique = c_unique.size rows = np.size(index_vector) cols = int(n_unique * (n_unique - 1) / 2) # Now make an indicator_matrix with a pair of conditions per row n_repeats = np.zeros(n_unique, dtype=int) select = [None] * n_unique for i in range(n_unique): sel = (index_vector == c_unique[i]) n_repeats[i] = np.sum(sel) select[i] = list(np.where(index_vector == c_unique[i])[0]) n_row = 0 dat = [] idx_i = [] idx_j = [] for i in range(n_unique): for j in np.arange(i + 1, n_unique): dat += [1/n_repeats[i]] * n_repeats[i] idx_i += [n_row] * n_repeats[i] idx_j += select[i] dat += [-1/n_repeats[j]] * n_repeats[j] idx_i += [n_row] * n_repeats[j] idx_j += select[j] n_row = n_row + 1 indicator_matrix = coo_matrix((dat, (idx_i, idx_j)), shape=(cols, rows)) return indicator_matrix.asformat("csr") # pyright: ignore reportReturnType
[docs]def centering(size): """ generates a centering matrix Args: size (int): size of the center matrix Returns: centering_matrix (numpy.ndarray): size * size """ centering_matrix = np.identity(size) - np.ones(size) / size return centering_matrix
[docs]def row_col_indicator_rdm(n_cond): """ generates a row and column indicator matrix for an RDM vector Args: n_cond (int): Number of conditions underlying the RDM Returns: row_indicator (numpy.ndarray): n_cond (n_cond-1)/2 * n_cond col_indicator (numpy.ndarray): n_cond (n_cond-1)/2 * n_cond """ n_dist = int(n_cond * (n_cond - 1) / 2) row_i = np.zeros((n_dist, n_cond)) col_i = np.zeros((n_dist, n_cond)) _row_col_indicator(row_i, col_i, n_cond) return (row_i, col_i)
[docs]def row_col_indicator_g(n_cond): """ generates a row and column indicator matrix for a vectorized second moment matrix. The vectorized version has the off-diagonal elements first (like in an RDM), and then appends the diagnoal. You can vectorize a second momement matrix G by np.diag(row_i@G@col_i.T) = np.sum(col_i*(row_i@G)),axis=1) Args: n_cond (int): Number of conditions underlying the second moment Returns: row_indicator (numpy.ndarray): n_cond (n_cond-1)/2+n_cond * n_cond col_indicator (numpy.ndarray): n_cond (n_cond-1)/2+n_cond * n_cond """ n_elem = int(n_cond * (n_cond - 1) / 2) + n_cond # Number of elements in G row_i = np.zeros((n_elem, n_cond)) col_i = np.zeros((n_elem, n_cond)) _row_col_indicator(row_i, col_i, n_cond) np.fill_diagonal(row_i[-n_cond:, :], 1) np.fill_diagonal(col_i[-n_cond:, :], 1) return (row_i, col_i)
[docs]def run() -> spmatrix: a = csr_matrix(np.eye(3)) b = csr_matrix(np.eye(3)) c = a @ b c = c.multiply(3.0) return c
[docs]def get_v(n_cond: int, sigma_k: Optional[spmatrix]) -> spmatrix: """ get the rdm covariance from sigma_k """ # calculate Xi c_mat = pairwise_contrast_sparse(np.arange(n_cond)) if sigma_k is None: xi = c_mat @ c_mat.transpose() else: sigma_k = csr_matrix(sigma_k) xi = c_mat @ sigma_k @ c_mat.transpose() # calculate V v = xi.multiply(xi).tocsc() return v
def _row_col_indicator(row_i, col_i, n_cond): """ Helper function that writes the correct pattern for the row / column indicator matrix Args: row_indicator: row_i (numpy.ndarray) col_indicator: row_i (numpy.ndarray) n_cond (int): Number of conditions underlying the second moment """ j = 0 for i in range(n_cond): row_i[j:j + n_cond - i - 1, i] = 1 np.fill_diagonal(col_i[j:j + n_cond - i - 1, i + 1:], 1) j = j + (n_cond - i - 1)
[docs]def square_category_binary_mask(category_idxs: List[int], size: int): """ A square binary matrix indicating within-category links in an adjacency matrix. Args: category_idxs (List[int]): indices of category members in rows/columns. size (int): total size of matrix. Usage example: >>> square_category_binary_mask(category_idxs=[1, 2, 4], size=5) array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 1., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 1., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 1., 0., 1.]]) Returns: A square binary numpy.array indicating within-category pairs. """ mask = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=bool) linear_index = np.ravel_multi_index(np.array([ (i, j) for i in category_idxs for j in category_idxs ], dtype=int).T, mask.shape) mask.ravel()[linear_index] = True return mask
[docs]def square_between_category_binary_mask(category_1_idxs, category_2_idxs, size): """ A square binary matrix indicating between-category links in an adjacency matrix. Args: category_1_idxs (List[int]): indices of category 1 members in rows/columns. category_2_idxs (List[int]): indices of category 2 members in rows/columns. size (int): total size of matrix Usage example: >>> square_between_category_binary_mask(category_1_idxs=[1, 2], category_2_idxs=[3, 4], size=5) array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1., 1.], [0., 0., 0., 1., 1.], [0., 1., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 1., 0., 0.]]) Returns: A square binary numpy.array indicating between-category links in an adjacency matrix. """ mask = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=bool) linear_index = np.ravel_multi_index(np.array( [ (i, j) for i in category_1_idxs for j in category_2_idxs ] + [ (i, j) for i in category_2_idxs for j in category_1_idxs ], dtype=int).T, mask.shape) mask.ravel()[linear_index] = True return mask