Source code for rsatoolbox.vis.scatter_plot

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot
import sklearn.manifold
import numpy
from rsatoolbox.util.vis_utils import weight_to_matrices, Weighted_MDS
from rsatoolbox.vis.icon import Icon
    from rsatoolbox.rdm import RDMs
    from numpy.typing import NDArray
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
seed = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=1)

[docs]def show_scatter( rdms: RDMs, coords: NDArray, rdm_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, pattern_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, icon_size: float=0.1 ) -> Figure: """Draw a 2-dimensional scatter plot based on the provided coordinates Args: rdms (RDMs): The RDMs object to display coords (NDArray): Array of x and y coordinates for each pattern (patterns x 2) rdm_descriptor: (Optional[str]): If provided, this will be used as title for each individual RDM. pattern_descriptor (Optional[str]): If provided, the chosen pattern descriptor will be printed adjacent to each point in the plot icon_size: relative size of icons if the pattern descriptor chosen is of type Icon Returns: Figure: A matplotlib figure in which the plot is drawn """ frac, n = math.modf(math.sqrt(rdms.n_rdm)) nrows, ncols = math.floor(n), math.floor(n) if frac > 0: nrows += 1 if frac > 0.5: ncols += 1 fig, axes = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) axes = numpy.array(axes) ## it's now an array even if there's only one for r, ax in enumerate(axes.ravel()): if r > (rdms.n_rdm - 1): ## fewer rdms than rows x cols, hide the remaining axes ax.axis('off') break ax.scatter(coords[r, :, 0], coords[r, :, 1]) ax.set_xlim(coords.min()*0.95, coords.max()*1.05) ax.set_ylim(coords.min()*0.95, coords.max()*1.05) ## RDM names if rdm_descriptor is not None: ax.set_title(rdms.rdm_descriptors[rdm_descriptor][r]) ## print labels next to dots if pattern_descriptor is not None: for p in range(coords.shape[1]): pat_desc = rdms.pattern_descriptors[pattern_descriptor][p] pat_coords = (coords[r, p, 0], coords[r, p, 1]) if isinstance(pat_desc, Icon): pat_desc.plot(pat_coords[0], pat_coords[1], ax=ax, size=icon_size) else: label = ax.annotate(pat_desc, pat_coords) label.set_alpha(.6) ## turn off all axis ticks and labels ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, top=False, right=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labeltop=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False) return fig
[docs]def show_2d( rdms: RDMs, method: str, weights: Optional[NDArray]=None, rdm_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, pattern_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, icon_size: float=0.1 ) -> Figure: """Draw a scatter plot of the RDMs reduced to two dimensions Args: rdms (RDMs): The RDMs object to display method (str): One of 'MDS', 't-SNE', 'Isomap'. weights: Optional array of weights (vector per RDM) rdm_descriptor: (Optional[str]): If provided, this will be used as title for each individual RDM. pattern_descriptor (Optional[str]): If provided, the chosen pattern descriptor will be printed adjacent to each point in the plot icon_size: relative size of icons if the pattern descriptor chosen is of type Icon Returns: Figure: A matplotlib figure in which the plot is drawn """ if method == 'MDS': MDS = sklearn.manifold.MDS if weights is None else Weighted_MDS embedding = MDS( n_components=2, random_state=seed, dissimilarity='precomputed', normalized_stress='auto', ) elif method == 't-SNE': embedding = sklearn.manifold.TSNE(n_components=2) elif method == 'Isomap': embedding = sklearn.manifold.Isomap(n_components=2) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown method: ' + str(method)) rdm_mats = rdms.get_matrices() coords = numpy.full((rdms.n_rdm, rdms.n_cond, 2), numpy.nan) for r in range(rdms.n_rdm): fitKwargs = dict() if weights is not None: fitKwargs['weight'] = weight_to_matrices(weights)[r, :, :] coords[r, :, :] = embedding.fit_transform(rdm_mats[r, :, :], **fitKwargs) return show_scatter( rdms, coords, rdm_descriptor=rdm_descriptor, pattern_descriptor=pattern_descriptor, icon_size=icon_size )
[docs]def show_MDS( rdms: RDMs, weights: Optional[NDArray]=None, rdm_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, pattern_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, icon_size: float=0.1 ) -> Figure: """Draw a scatter plot based on Multidimensional Scaling dimensionality reduction Args: rdms (RDMs): The RDMs object to display weights: Optional array of weights (vector per RDM) rdm_descriptor: (Optional[str]): If provided, this will be used as title for each individual RDM. pattern_descriptor (Optional[str]): If provided, the chosen pattern descriptor will be printed adjacent to each point in the plot icon_size: relative size of icons if the pattern descriptor chosen is of type Icon Returns: Figure: A matplotlib figure in which the plot is drawn """ return show_2d( rdms, method='MDS', weights=weights, rdm_descriptor=rdm_descriptor, pattern_descriptor=pattern_descriptor, icon_size=icon_size )
[docs]def show_tSNE( rdms: RDMs, rdm_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, pattern_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, icon_size: float=0.1 ) -> Figure: """Draw a scatter plot based on t-SNE dimensionality reduction Args: rdms (RDMs): The RDMs object to display rdm_descriptor: (Optional[str]): If provided, this will be used as title for each individual RDM. pattern_descriptor (Optional[str]): If provided, the chosen pattern descriptor will be printed adjacent to each point in the plot icon_size: relative size of icons if the pattern descriptor chosen is of type Icon Returns: Figure: A matplotlib figure in which the plot is drawn """ return show_2d( rdms, method='t-SNE', rdm_descriptor=rdm_descriptor, pattern_descriptor=pattern_descriptor, icon_size=icon_size )
[docs]def show_iso( rdms: RDMs, rdm_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, pattern_descriptor: Optional[str]=None, icon_size: float=0.1 ) -> Figure: """Draw a scatter plot based on Isomap dimensionality reduction Args: rdms (RDMs): The RDMs object to display rdm_descriptor: (Optional[str]): If provided, this will be used as title for each individual RDM. pattern_descriptor (Optional[str]): If provided, the chosen pattern descriptor will be printed adjacent to each point in the plot icon_size: relative size of icons if the pattern descriptor chosen is of type Icon Returns: Figure: A matplotlib figure in which the plot is drawn """ return show_2d( rdms, method='Isomap', rdm_descriptor=rdm_descriptor, pattern_descriptor=pattern_descriptor, icon_size=icon_size )