#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This code was initially inspired by the following :
@author: Daniel Lindh
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from tqdm import tqdm
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from rsatoolbox.data.dataset import Dataset
from rsatoolbox.rdm.calc import calc_rdm
from rsatoolbox.rdm import RDMs
def _get_searchlight_neighbors(mask, center, radius=3):
"""Return indices for searchlight where distance
between a voxel and their center < radius (in voxels)
center (index): point around which to make searchlight sphere
list: the list of volume indices that respect the
searchlight radius for the input center.
center = np.array(center)
mask_shape = mask.shape
cx, cy, cz = np.array(center)
x = np.arange(mask_shape[0])
y = np.arange(mask_shape[1])
z = np.arange(mask_shape[2])
# First mask the obvious points
# - may actually slow down your calculation depending.
x = x[abs(x - cx) < radius]
y = y[abs(y - cy) < radius]
z = z[abs(z - cz) < radius]
# Generate grid of points
X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)
data = np.vstack((X.ravel(), Y.ravel(), Z.ravel())).T
distance = cdist(data, center.reshape(1, -1), 'euclidean').ravel()
return tuple(data[distance < radius].T.tolist())
[docs]def get_volume_searchlight(mask, radius=2, threshold=1.0):
Searches through the non-zero voxels of the mask, selects centers where
proportion of sphere voxels >= self.threshold.
mask ([numpy array]): binary brain mask
radius (int, optional): the radius of each searchlight, defined in voxels.
Defaults to 2.
threshold (float, optional): Threshold of the proportion of voxels that need to
be inside the brain mask in order for it to be
considered a good searchlight center.
Values go between 0.0 - 1.0 where 1.0 means that
100% of the voxels need to be inside
the brain mask.
Defaults to 1.0.
numpy array: array of centers of size n_centers x 3
list: list of lists with neighbors - the length of the list will correspond to:
n_centers x 3 x n_neighbors
mask = np.array(mask)
assert mask.ndim == 3, "Mask needs to be a 3-dimensional numpy array"
centers = list(zip(*np.nonzero(mask)))
good_centers = []
good_neighbors = []
for center in tqdm(centers, desc='Finding searchlights...'):
neighbors = _get_searchlight_neighbors(mask, center, radius)
if mask[neighbors].mean() >= threshold:
good_centers = np.array(good_centers)
assert good_centers.shape[0] == len(good_neighbors),\
"number of centers and sets of neighbors do not match"
print(f'Found {len(good_neighbors)} searchlights')
# turn the 3-dim coordinates to array coordinates
centers = np.ravel_multi_index(good_centers.T, mask.shape)
neighbors = [np.ravel_multi_index(n, mask.shape) for n in good_neighbors]
return centers, neighbors
[docs]def get_searchlight_RDMs(data_2d, centers, neighbors, events,
method='correlation', verbose=True):
"""Iterates over all the searchlight centers and calculates the RDM
data_2d (2D numpy array): brain data,
shape n_observations x n_channels (i.e. voxels/vertices)
centers (1D numpy array): center indices for all searchlights as provided
by rsatoolbox.util.searchlight.get_volume_searchlight
neighbors (list): list of lists with neighbor voxel indices for all searchlights
as provided by rsatoolbox.util.searchlight.get_volume_searchlight
events (1D numpy array): 1D array of length n_observations
method (str, optional): distance metric,
see rsatoolbox.rdm.calc for options. Defaults to 'correlation'.
verbose (bool, optional): Defaults to True.
RDM [rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs]: RDMs object with the RDM for each searchlight
the RDM.rdm_descriptors['voxel_index']
describes the center voxel index each RDM is associated with
data_2d, centers = np.array(data_2d), np.array(centers)
n_centers = centers.shape[0]
# For memory reasons, we chunk the data if we have more than 1000 RDMs
if n_centers > 1000:
# we can't run all centers at once, that will take too much memory
# so lets to some chunking
chunked_center = np.split(np.arange(n_centers),
np.linspace(0, n_centers,
101, dtype=int)[1:-1])
# loop over chunks
n_conds = len(np.unique(events))
RDM = np.zeros((n_centers, n_conds * (n_conds - 1) // 2))
for chunks in tqdm(chunked_center, desc='Calculating RDMs...'):
center_data = []
for c in chunks:
# grab this center and neighbors
center = centers[c]
center_neighbors = neighbors[c]
# create a database object with this data
ds = Dataset(data_2d[:, center_neighbors],
descriptors={'center': center},
obs_descriptors={'events': events},
channel_descriptors={'voxels': center_neighbors})
RDM_corr = calc_rdm(center_data, method=method,
RDM[chunks, :] = RDM_corr.dissimilarities
center_data = []
for c in range(n_centers):
# grab this center and neighbors
center = centers[c]
nb = neighbors[c]
# create a database object with this data
ds = Dataset(data_2d[:, nb],
descriptors={'center': c},
obs_descriptors={'events': events},
channel_descriptors={'voxels': nb})
# calculate RDMs for each database object
RDM = calc_rdm(center_data, method=method,
SL_rdms = RDMs(RDM,
rdm_descriptors={'voxel_index': centers},
return SL_rdms
[docs]def evaluate_models_searchlight(sl_RDM, models, eval_function, method='corr', theta=None, n_jobs=1):
"""evaluates each searchlighth with the given model/models
sl_RDM ([rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs]): RDMs object
as computed by rsatoolbox.util.searchlight.get_searchlight_RDMs
models ([rsatoolbox.model]: models to evaluate - can also be list of models
eval_function (rsatoolbox.inference evaluation-function): [description]
method (str, optional): see rsatoolbox.rdm.compare for specifics. Defaults to 'corr'.
n_jobs (int, optional): how many jobs to run. Defaults to 1.
list: list of with the model evaluation for each searchlight center
results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
models, x, method=method, theta=theta) for x in tqdm(
sl_RDM, desc='Evaluating models for each searchlight'))
return results