Source code for

saving to and reading from HDF5 files
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Dict, List, IO
import os
from import Iterable
try:  # drop:py37 (backport)
    from importlib.metadata import version
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from importlib_metadata import version
from h5py import File, Group, Empty
import numpy as np

[docs]def write_dict_hdf5(fhandle: Union[str, IO], dictionary: Dict) -> None: """ writes a nested dictionary containing strings & arrays as data into a hdf5 file Args: file: a filename or opened writable file dictionary(dict): the dict to be saved """ if isinstance(fhandle, str): if os.path.exists(fhandle): raise ValueError('File already exists!') file = File(fhandle, 'a') file.attrs['rsatoolbox_version'] = version('rsatoolbox') _write_to_group(file, dictionary)
def _write_to_group(group: Group, dictionary: Dict) -> None: """ writes a dictionary to a hdf5 group, which can recurse""" for key in dictionary.keys(): value = dictionary[key] if isinstance(value, str): # needs another conversion to string to catch weird subtypes # like numpy.str_ group.attrs[key] = str(value) elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if str(value.dtype)[:2] == '<U': group[key] = value.astype('S') else: group[key] = value elif isinstance(value, list): _write_list(group, key, value) elif isinstance(value, dict): subgroup = group.create_group(key) _write_to_group(subgroup, value) elif value is None: group[key] = Empty("f") elif isinstance(value, Iterable): if isinstance(value[0], str): group.attrs[key] = value else: group[key] = value def _write_list(group: Group, key: str, value: List) -> None: """ writes a list to a hdf5 file. First tries conversion to np.array. If this fails the list is converted to a dict with integer keys. Parameters ---------- group : hdf5 group where to write. key : hdf5 key value : list list to be written """ try: value = np.array(value) if str(value.dtype)[:2] == '<U': group[key] = value.astype('S') else: group[key] = value except TypeError: l_group = group.create_group(key) for i, v in enumerate(value): l_group[str(i)] = v
[docs]def read_dict_hdf5(fhandle: Union[str, IO]) -> Dict: """ writes a nested dictionary containing strings & arrays as data into a hdf5 file Args: file: a filename or opened readable file Returns: dictionary(dict): the loaded dict """ file = File(fhandle, 'r') return _read_group(file)
def _read_group(group: Group) -> Dict: """ reads a group from a hdf5 file into a dict, which allows recursion""" dictionary = {} for key in group.keys(): sub_val = group[key] if isinstance(sub_val, Group): dictionary[key] = _read_group(sub_val) elif sub_val.shape is None: dictionary[key] = None else: dictionary[key] = np.array(sub_val) if dictionary[key].dtype.type is np.string_: dictionary[key] = np.array(sub_val).astype('unicode') # if (len(dictionary[key].shape) == 1 # and dictionary[key].shape[0] == 1): # dictionary[key] = dictionary[key][0] for key in group.attrs.keys(): dictionary[key] = group.attrs[key] return dictionary