Source code for

"""Conversions from rsatoolbox classes to pandas table objects
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy
from numpy import asarray
    from rsatoolbox.rdm.rdms import RDMs

[docs]def rdms_to_df(rdms: RDMs) -> DataFrame: """Create DataFrame representation of the RDMs object A column for: - dissimilarity - each rdm descriptor - two for each pattern descriptor, suffixed by _1 and _2 respectively Multiple RDMs are stacked row-wise. See also the `RDMs.to_df()` method which calls this function Args: rdms (RDMs): the object to convert Returns: DataFrame: long-form pandas DataFrame with dissimilarities and descriptors. """ n_rdms, n_pairs = rdms.dissimilarities.shape cols = dict(dissimilarity=rdms.dissimilarities.ravel()) for dname, dvals in rdms.rdm_descriptors.items(): # rename the default index desc as that has special meaning in df cname = 'rdm_index' if dname == 'index' else dname cols[cname] = numpy.repeat(dvals, n_pairs) for dname, dvals in rdms.pattern_descriptors.items(): ix = numpy.triu_indices(len(dvals), 1) # rename the default index desc as that has special meaning in df cname = 'pattern_index' if dname == 'index' else dname for p in (0, 1): cols[f'{cname}_{p+1}'] = numpy.tile(asarray(dvals)[ix[p]], n_rdms) return DataFrame(cols)