Source code for rsatoolbox.vis.rdm_plot

Plot showing an RDMs object

public API:

- show_rdm()
- show_rdm_panel()
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Tuple, Optional, Literal, Dict, Any, List, Iterator
from enum import Enum
from math import ceil
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import rsatoolbox.rdm
from rsatoolbox.rdm.rdms import RDMs
from rsatoolbox import vis
from rsatoolbox.vis.colors import rdm_colormap_classic
from rsatoolbox.resources import get_style
    from matplotlib.axes._axes import Axes
    from import ScalarMappable
    from matplotlib.colors import Colormap
    from matplotlib.colorbar import Colorbar
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
    from matplotlib.text import Text
    from matplotlib.image import AxesImage
    from matplotlib.axis import XAxis, YAxis
    from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike
    ArrayOrRdmDescriptor = NDArray | Tuple[str, str]

[docs]class Axis(Enum): """X or Y axis Enum """ X = 'x' Y = 'y'
[docs]class Symmetry(Enum): """RDM Triangle Enum: both, upper or lower """ BOTH = 'both' UPPER = 'upper' LOWER = 'lower'
[docs]def show_rdm( rdms: rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs, pattern_descriptor: Optional[str] = None, cmap: Union[str, Colormap] = 'bone_r', rdm_descriptor: Optional[str] = None, n_column: Optional[int] = None, n_row: Optional[int] = None, show_colorbar: Optional[str] = None, gridlines: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, num_pattern_groups: Optional[int] = None, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, nanmask: NDArray | str | None = "diagonal", style: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, icon_spacing: float = 1.0, linewidth: float = 0.5, overlay: Optional[ArrayOrRdmDescriptor] = None, overlay_color: str = '#00ff0050', overlay_symmetry: Symmetry = Symmetry.BOTH, contour: Optional[ArrayOrRdmDescriptor] = None, contour_color: str = 'red', contour_symmetry: Symmetry = Symmetry.BOTH, ) -> Tuple[Figure, NDArray, Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]]: """show_rdm. Heatmap figure for RDMs instance, with one panel per RDM. Args: rdm (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): RDMs object to be plotted. pattern_descriptor (str): Key into rdm.pattern_descriptors to use for axis labels. cmap (str or Colormap): Colormap to be used. Either the name of a Matplotlib built-in colormap, a Matplotlib Colormap compatible object, or 'classic' for the matlab toolbox colormap. Defaults to 'bone_r'. rdm_descriptor (str): Key for rdm_descriptor to use as panel title, or str for direct labeling. n_column (int): Number of columns in subplot arrangement. n_row (int): Number of rows in subplot arrangement. show_colorbar (str): Set to 'panel' or 'figure' to display a colorbar. If 'panel' a colorbar is added next to each RDM. If 'figure' a shared colorbar (and scale) is used across panels. gridlines (ArrayLike): Set to add gridlines at these positions. If num_pattern_groups is defined this is used to infer gridlines. num_pattern_groups (int): Number of rows/columns for any image labels. Also determines gridlines frequency by default (so e.g., num_pattern_groups=3 with results in gridlines every 3 rows/columns). figsize (Tuple[float, float]): mpl.Figure argument. By default we auto-scale to achieve a figure that fits on a standard A4 / US Letter page in portrait orientation. nanmask (Union[ArrayLike, str, None]): boolean mask defining RDM elements to suppress (by default, the diagonal). Use the string "diagonal" to suppress the diagonal. style (Union[str, Path]): Path to mplstyle file that controls various figure aesthetics (default rsatoolbox/vis/rdm.mplstyle). vmin (float): Minimum intensity for colorbar mapping. matplotlib imshow argument. vmax (float): Maximum intensity for colorbar mapping. matplotlib imshow argument. icon_spacing (float): control spacing of image labels - 1. means no gap (the default), 1.1 means pad 10%, .9 means overlap 10% etc. linewidth (float): Width of connecting lines from icon labels (if used) to axis margin. The default is 0.5 - set to 0. to disable the lines. overlay ((str, str) or NDArray): RDM descriptor name-value tuple, or vector (one value per pair) which indicates whether to highlight the given cells overlay_color (str): Color to use to highlight the pairs in the overlay argument. Use RGBA to specify transparency. Default is 50% opaque green. contour ((str, str) or NDArray): RDM descriptor name-value tuple, or vector (one value per pair) which indicates whether to add a border to the given cells contour_color (str): Color to use for a border around pairs in the contour argument. Use RGBA to specify transparency. Default is red. Returns: Tuple[Figure, ArrayLike, Dict]: Tuple of - Handle to created figure. - Subplot axis handles from plt.subplots. - Nested dict containing handles to all other plotted objects (icon labels, colorbars, etc). The key at the first level is the axis index. """ # create a plot "configuration" object which resolves all parameters conf = MultiRdmPlot.from_show_rdm_args( rdms, pattern_descriptor, cmap, rdm_descriptor, n_column, n_row, show_colorbar, gridlines, num_pattern_groups, figsize, nanmask, style, vmin, vmax, icon_spacing, linewidth, overlay, overlay_color, overlay_symmetry, contour, contour_color, contour_symmetry ) return _plot_multi_rdm(conf)
def _plot_multi_rdm(conf: MultiRdmPlot) -> Tuple[Figure, NDArray, Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]]: # A dictionary of figure element handles handles = dict() handles[-1] = dict() # fig level handles # create a list of (row index, column index) tuples rc_tuples = list(itertools.product(range(conf.n_row), range(conf.n_column))) # number of empty panels at the top n_empty = (conf.n_row * conf.n_column) - conf.rdms.n_rdm with fig, ax_array = plt.subplots( nrows=conf.n_row, ncols=conf.n_column, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False, figsize=conf.figsize, ) p = 0 for p, (r, c) in enumerate(rc_tuples): handles[p] = dict() rdm_index = p - n_empty ## rdm index if rdm_index < 0: ax_array[r, c].set_visible(False) continue handles[p]["image"] = _show_rdm_panel(conf.for_single(rdm_index), ax_array[r, c]) if conf.show_colorbar == "panel": # needs to happen before labels because it resizes the axis handles[p]["colorbar"] = _rdm_colorbar( mappable=handles[p]["image"], fig=fig, ax=ax_array[r, c], title=conf.dissimilarity_measure ) if c == 0 and conf.pattern_descriptor: handles[p]["y_labels"] = _add_descriptor_labels(Axis.Y, ax_array[r, c], conf) if r == 0 and conf.pattern_descriptor: handles[p]["x_labels"] = _add_descriptor_labels(Axis.X, ax_array[r, c], conf) if conf.show_colorbar == "figure": handles[-1]["colorbar"] = _rdm_colorbar( mappable=handles[p]["image"], fig=fig, ax=ax_array[0, 0], title=conf.dissimilarity_measure, ) _adjust_colorbar_pos(handles[-1]["colorbar"], ax_array[0, 0]) return fig, ax_array, handles def _adjust_colorbar_pos(cb: Colorbar, parent: Axes) -> None: """Moves figure-level colorbar to the right position Args: cb (Colorbar): The matplotlib colorbar object parent (Axes): Parent object axes """ # key challenge is to obtain a similarly-sized colorbar to the 'panel' case # BUT positioned centered on the reserved subplot axes #parent = ax_array[-1, -1] cbax_parent_orgpos = parent.get_position(original=True) # use last instance of 'image' (should all be yoked at this point) cbax_pos = # halfway through panel, less the width/height of the colorbar itself x0 = ( cbax_parent_orgpos.x0 + cbax_parent_orgpos.width / 2 - cbax_pos.width / 2 ) y0 = ( cbax_parent_orgpos.y0 + cbax_parent_orgpos.height / 2 - cbax_pos.height / 2 ), y0, cbax_pos.width, cbax_pos.height)) def _rdm_colorbar(mappable: ScalarMappable, fig: Figure, ax: Axes, title: str) -> Colorbar: """_rdm_colorbar. Add vertically-oriented, small colorbar to rdm figure. Used internally by show_rdm. Args: mappable ( Typically plt.imshow instance. fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): Matplotlib figure handle. ax (matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes): Matplotlib axis handle. plt.gca() by default. title (str): Title string for the colorbar (positioned top, left aligned). Returns: matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar: Matplotlib handle. """ cb = fig.colorbar( mappable=mappable, ax=ax, shrink=0.25, aspect=5, ticks=LinearLocator(numticks=3), ), loc="left", fontdict=dict(fontweight="normal")) return cb
[docs]def show_rdm_panel( rdms: rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, cmap: Union[str, Colormap] = 'bone_r', nanmask: Optional[NDArray] = None, rdm_descriptor: Optional[str] = None, gridlines: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, overlay: Optional[NDArray] = None, overlay_color: str = '#00ff0050', overlay_symmetry: Symmetry = Symmetry.BOTH, contour: Optional[NDArray] = None, contour_color: str = 'red', contour_symmetry: Symmetry = Symmetry.BOTH ) -> AxesImage: """show_rdm_panel. Add RDM heatmap to the axis ax. Args: rdm (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): RDMs object to be plotted (n_rdm must be 1). ax (matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes): Matplotlib axis handle. plt.gca() by default. cmap (str or Colormap): Colormap to be used. Either the name of a Matplotlib built-in colormap, a Matplotlib Colormap compatible object, or 'classic' for the matlab toolbox colormap. Defaults to 'bone_r'. nanmask (ArrayLike): boolean mask defining RDM elements to suppress (by default, the diagonals). rdm_descriptor (str): Key for rdm_descriptor to use as panel title, or str for direct labeling. gridlines (ArrayLike): Set to add gridlines at these positions. vmin (float): Minimum intensity for colorbar mapping. matplotlib imshow argument. vmax (float): Maximum intensity for colorbar mapping. matplotlib imshow argument. overlay ((str, str) or NDArray): RDM descriptor name-value tuple, or vector (one value per pair) which indicates whether to highlight the given cells overlay_color (str): Color to use to highlight the pairs in the overlay argument. Use RGBA to specify transparency. Default is 50% opaque green. contour ((str, str) or NDArray): RDM descriptor name-value tuple, or vector (one value per pair) which indicates whether to add a border to the given cells contour_color (str): Color to use for a border around pairs in the contour argument. Use RGBA to specify transparency. Default is red. Returns: matplotlib.image.AxesImage: Matplotlib handle. """ conf = SingleRdmPlot.from_show_rdm_panel_args(rdms, cmap, nanmask, rdm_descriptor, gridlines, vmin, vmax, overlay, overlay_color, overlay_symmetry, contour, contour_color, contour_symmetry) return _show_rdm_panel(conf, ax or plt.gca())
def _show_rdm_panel(conf: SingleRdmPlot, ax: Axes) -> AxesImage: """Plot a single RDM based on a plot configuration object Args: conf (SingleRdmPlot): _description_ ax (Axes): _description_ Returns: AxesImage: _description_ """ rdmat = conf.rdms.get_matrices()[0, :, :] if np.any(conf.nanmask): rdmat[conf.nanmask] = np.nan image = ax.imshow(rdmat, cmap=conf.cmap, vmin=conf.vmin, vmax=conf.vmax, interpolation='none') _overlay(conf, ax) _contour(conf, ax) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, conf.rdms.n_cond - 0.5) ax.set_ylim(conf.rdms.n_cond - 0.5, -0.5) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(conf.gridlines) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(conf.gridlines) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(conf.rdms.n_cond), minor=True) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(conf.rdms.n_cond), minor=True) # hide minor ticks by default ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(length=0, which="minor") ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(length=0, which="minor") ax.set_title(conf.title) return image def _overlay(conf: SingleRdmPlot, ax: Axes) -> None: """Add overlay image to axes Args: conf (SingleRdmPlot): Plot configuration ax (Axes): axes object for this plot """ if not np.any(conf.overlay_mask): return cmap = ListedColormap(['none', conf.overlay_color]) ax.imshow(conf.overlay_mask, cmap=cmap, interpolation='none') def _contour(conf: SingleRdmPlot, ax: Axes) -> None: """Add contour outline to axes Args: conf (SingleRdmPlot): Plot configuration ax (Axes): axes object for this plot """ if not np.any(conf.contour_mask): return for (x1, y1, x2, y2) in _contour_coords(conf.contour_mask, -0.5): ax.add_patch( Polygon( [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)], facecolor='none', edgecolor=conf.contour_color, linewidth=3, closed=True, joinstyle='round' ) ) def _mask_from_vector(vector: NDArray, triangles: Symmetry) -> NDArray: """Turn a triangular vector into a matrix mask, with given symmetry Returns: NDArray: 2-D boolean matrix """ mask = squareform(vector) if triangles == Symmetry.BOTH: return mask elif triangles == Symmetry.LOWER: return np.tril(mask) elif triangles == Symmetry.UPPER: return np.triu(mask) def _contour_coords(mask: NDArray, offset: float) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]: """Determine filled edges for the given mask Returns a tuple of x1, y1, x2, y2 coordinates for each line. Args: mask (NDArray): nconds x nconds mask offset (float): value to add for matplotlib indexing Yields: Iterator[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]: coordinates """ mask_t = mask.T mask_idx = np.where(mask_t) sides = [ (( 0, -1), (0, 0, 1, 0)), # top (( 1, 0), (1, 0, 1, 1)), # right (( 0, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1)), # bottom ((-1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0)), # left ] for x, y in np.vstack(mask_idx).T: for neighbor, edge in sides: if not mask_t[(x+neighbor[0], y+neighbor[1])]: x1, y1, x2, y2 = edge yield (x+x1+offset, y+y1+offset, x+x2+offset, y+y2+offset) def _add_descriptor_labels(which_axis: Axis, ax: Axes, conf: MultiRdmPlot) -> List: """_add_descriptor_labels. Args: rdm (rsatoolbox.rdm.RDMs): RDMs instance to annotate. pattern_descriptor (str): dict key for the rdm.pattern_descriptors dict. icon_method (str): method to access on Icon instances (typically y_tick_label or x_tick_label). axis (Union[matplotlib.axis.XAxis, matplotlib.axis.YAxis]): Axis to add tick labels to. num_pattern_groups (int): Number of rows/columns for any image labels. icon_spacing (float): control spacing of image labels - 1. means no gap (the default), 1.1 means pad 10%, .9 means overlap 10% etc. linewidth (float): Width of connecting lines from icon labels (if used) to axis margin. The default is 0.5 - set to 0. to disable the lines. horizontalalignment (str): Horizontal alignment of text tick labels. Returns: list: Tick label handles. """ if which_axis == Axis.X: icon_method = "x_tick_label" axis = ax.xaxis horizontalalignment="center" else: icon_method = "y_tick_label" axis = ax.yaxis horizontalalignment="right" descriptor_arr = np.asarray(conf.rdms.pattern_descriptors[conf.pattern_descriptor]) if isinstance(descriptor_arr[0], vis.Icon): return _add_descriptor_icons( descriptor_arr, icon_method, n_cond=conf.rdms.n_cond, ax=axis.axes, icon_spacing=conf.icon_spacing, num_pattern_groups=conf.num_pattern_groups, linewidth=conf.linewidth, ) is_x_axis = "x" in icon_method return _add_descriptor_text( descriptor_arr, axis=axis, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, is_x_axis=is_x_axis, ) def _add_descriptor_text( descriptor_arr: ArrayLike, axis: Union[XAxis, YAxis], horizontalalignment: str = "center", is_x_axis: bool = False, ) -> List[Text]: """_add_descriptor_text. Used internally by _add_descriptor_labels to add vanilla Matplotlib-based text labels to the X or Y axis. Args: descriptor_arr (ArrayLike): np.Array-like version of the labels. axis (Union[matplotlib.axis.XAxis, matplotlib.axis.YAxis]): handle for the relevant axis (ax.xaxis or ax.yaxis). horizontalalignment (str): Horizontal alignment of text tick labels. is_x_axis (bool): If set, rotate the text labels 60 degrees to reduce overlap on the X axis. Returns: list: Tick label handles. """ # vanilla matplotlib-based # need to ensure the minor ticks have some length axis.set_tick_params(length=matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.minor.size"], which="minor") label_handles = axis.set_ticklabels( descriptor_arr, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, minor=True, ) if is_x_axis: plt.setp( axis.get_ticklabels(minor=True), rotation=60, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor", ) return label_handles def _add_descriptor_icons( descriptor_arr: ArrayLike, icon_method: str, n_cond: int, ax: Axes = None, num_pattern_groups: int = None, icon_spacing: float = 1.0, linewidth: float = 0.5, ) -> list: """_add_descriptor_icons. Used internally by _add_descriptor_labels to add Icon-based labels to the X or Y axis. Args: descriptor_arr (ArrayLike): np.Array-like version of the labels. icon_method (str): method to access on Icon instances (typically y_tick_label or x_tick_label). n_cond (int): Number of conditions in the RDM (usually from RDMs.n_cond). ax (matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes): Matplotlib axis handle. num_pattern_groups (int): Number of rows/columns for any image labels. icon_spacing (float): control spacing of image labels - 1. means no gap (the default), 1.1 means pad 10%, .9 means overlap 10% etc. linewidth (float): Width of connecting lines from icon labels (if used) to axis margin. The default is 0.5 - set to 0. to disable the lines. Returns: list: Tick label handles. """ # annotated labels with Icon n_to_fit = np.ceil(n_cond / num_pattern_groups) # work out sizing of icons im_max_pix = 20. if descriptor_arr[0].final_image: # size by image im_width_pix = max(this_desc.final_image.width for this_desc in descriptor_arr) im_height_pix = max(this_desc.final_image.height for this_desc in descriptor_arr) im_max_pix = max(im_width_pix, im_height_pix) * icon_spacing ax.figure.canvas.draw() extent = ax.get_window_extent(ax.figure.canvas.get_renderer()) ax_size_pix = max((extent.width, extent.height)) size = (ax_size_pix / n_to_fit) / im_max_pix # from proportion of original size to figure pixels offset = im_max_pix * size label_handles = [] for group_ind in range(num_pattern_groups - 1, -1, -1): position = offset * 0.2 + offset * group_ind ticks = np.arange(group_ind, n_cond, num_pattern_groups) label_handles.append( [ getattr(this_desc, icon_method)( this_x, size, offset=position, linewidth=linewidth, ax=ax, ) for (this_x, this_desc) in zip(ticks, descriptor_arr[ticks]) ] ) return label_handles
[docs]class MultiRdmPlot: """Configuration for the multi-rdm plot """ rdms: RDMs pattern_descriptor: Optional[str] cmap: Union[str, Colormap] rdm_descriptor: str n_column: int n_row: int show_colorbar: Optional[Literal["panel"] | Literal["figure"]] gridlines: NDArray num_pattern_groups: int figsize: Tuple[float, float] nanmask: NDArray style: Path vmin: Optional[float] vmax: Optional[float] icon_spacing: float linewidth: float n_panel: int dissimilarity_measure: str overlay: NDArray overlay_color: str overlay_symmetry: Symmetry contour: NDArray contour_color: str contour_symmetry: Symmetry overlay_mask: NDArray contour_mask: NDArray fig: Optional[Figure] ax: Optional[NDArray] handles: Optional[Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]]
[docs] @classmethod def from_show_rdm_args( cls, rdm: RDMs, pattern_descriptor: Optional[str], cmap: Union[str, Colormap], rdm_descriptor: Optional[str], n_column: Optional[int], n_row: Optional[int], show_colorbar: Optional[str], gridlines: Optional[ArrayLike], num_pattern_groups: Optional[int], figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], nanmask: NDArray | str | None, style: Optional[Union[str, Path]], vmin: Optional[float], vmax: Optional[float], icon_spacing: float, linewidth: float, overlay: Optional[Tuple[str, str] | NDArray], overlay_color: str, overlay_symmetry: Symmetry, contour: Optional[Tuple[str, str] | NDArray], contour_color: str, contour_symmetry: Symmetry ) -> MultiRdmPlot: """Create an object from the original arguments to show_rdm() """ conf = __class__(rdm) if show_colorbar not in (None, "panel", "figure"): raise ValueError( f"show_colorbar can be None, panel or figure, got: {show_colorbar}" ) conf.show_colorbar = show_colorbar conf.nanmask = cls.init_nan_mask(nanmask, rdm) conf.n_panel = rdm.n_rdm + int(show_colorbar == "figure") if show_colorbar == "figure": rdmat = rdm.get_matrices() vmin = vmin or rdmat[:, (conf.nanmask == False)].min() vmax = vmax or rdmat[:, (conf.nanmask == False)].max() conf.vmin = vmin conf.vmax = vmax conf.n_row, conf.n_column = cls.determine_rows_cols_panels( n_row, n_column, conf.n_panel) conf.figsize = figsize or cls.calc_figsize(conf.n_column, conf.n_row) gridlines = np.asarray(gridlines or list()) if num_pattern_groups and (not np.any(gridlines)): # grid by pattern groups if they exist and explicit grid setting does not gridlines = np.arange( num_pattern_groups - 0.5, rdm.n_cond + 0.5, num_pattern_groups ) conf.gridlines = np.asarray(gridlines) if num_pattern_groups is None or num_pattern_groups == 0: num_pattern_groups = 1 conf.num_pattern_groups = num_pattern_groups = Path(str(style)) if style is not None else get_style() conf.icon_spacing = icon_spacing conf.linewidth = linewidth if cmap == 'classic': cmap = rdm_colormap_classic() conf.cmap = cmap conf.rdms = rdm conf.pattern_descriptor = pattern_descriptor conf.rdm_descriptor = rdm_descriptor or '' conf.dissimilarity_measure = rdm.dissimilarity_measure or '' conf.overlay = conf.interpret_rdm_arg(overlay, rdm) conf.overlay_color = overlay_color conf.overlay_symmetry = overlay_symmetry conf.overlay_mask = _mask_from_vector(conf.overlay, conf.overlay_symmetry) conf.contour = conf.interpret_rdm_arg(contour, rdm) conf.contour_color = contour_color conf.contour_symmetry = contour_symmetry conf.contour_mask = _mask_from_vector(conf.contour, conf.contour_symmetry) return conf
[docs] def interpret_rdm_arg(self, val: Optional[ArrayOrRdmDescriptor], rdms: RDMs) -> NDArray: """Resolve argument that can be an rdm descriptor key/value pair or a utv """ if val is None: n_pairs = rdms.dissimilarities.shape[1] return np.zeros(n_pairs) if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): return val else: return rdms.subset(*val).dissimilarities[0, :]
[docs] @classmethod def determine_rows_cols_panels( cls, n_row: Optional[int], n_column: Optional[int], n_panel: int ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Choose the number of rows and columns of panels """ if (n_column is None) and (n_row is None): n_column = ceil(np.sqrt(n_panel)) if n_row is None: n_row = ceil(n_panel / n_column) if n_column is None: n_column = ceil(n_panel / n_row) return n_row, n_column
[docs] @classmethod def init_nan_mask( cls, nanmask: NDArray | str | None, rdms: RDMs, ) -> NDArray: """Interpret user's choice of nanmask """ if nanmask is None: nanmask = np.zeros((rdms.n_cond, rdms.n_cond), dtype=bool) elif isinstance(nanmask, str): if nanmask == "diagonal": nanmask = np.eye(rdms.n_cond, dtype=bool) else: raise ValueError("Invalid nanmask value") return nanmask
[docs] @classmethod def calc_figsize(cls, n_column: int, n_row: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: """" scale with number of RDMs, up to (intersection of A4 and us letter) """ return ( min(2 * n_column, 8.3), min(2 * n_row, 11) )
[docs] def for_single(self, index: int) -> SingleRdmPlot: """Create a SingleRdmPlot object for the given rdm index Args: index (int): Index for the rdms Returns: SingleRdmPlot: _description_ """ conf = SingleRdmPlot() conf.rdms = self.rdms[index] conf.cmap = self.cmap conf.rdm_descriptor = self.rdm_descriptor conf.gridlines = self.gridlines conf.nanmask = self.nanmask conf.vmin = self.vmin conf.vmax = self.vmax conf.overlay = self.overlay conf.overlay_mask = self.overlay_mask conf.overlay_color = self.overlay_color conf.overlay_symmetry = self.overlay_symmetry conf.contour = self.contour conf.contour_mask = self.contour_mask conf.contour_color = self.contour_color conf.contour_symmetry = self.contour_symmetry if self.rdm_descriptor in conf.rdms.rdm_descriptors: conf.title = conf.rdms.rdm_descriptors[self.rdm_descriptor][0] else: conf.title = self.rdm_descriptor return conf
def __init__(self, rdms: RDMs): self.rdms = rdms self.pattern_descriptor = None self.cmap = 'bone_r' self.rdm_descriptor = '' self.gridlines = np.array([]) self.num_pattern_groups = 1 self.show_colorbar = None self.n_row, self.n_column = self.determine_rows_cols_panels( None, None, self.rdms.n_rdm) self.figsize = self.calc_figsize(self.n_column, self.n_row) self.nanmask = self.init_nan_mask('diagonal', self.rdms) = get_style() self.vmin = None self.vmax = None self.icon_spacing = 1.0 self.linewidth = 0.5 n_pairs = rdms.dissimilarities.shape[1] self.overlay = np.zeros(n_pairs) self.overlay_color = '#00ff0050' self.overlay_symmetry = Symmetry.BOTH self.contour = np.zeros(n_pairs) self.contour_color = 'red' self.contour_symmetry= Symmetry.BOTH
[docs] def addOverlay(self, mask: ArrayOrRdmDescriptor, color: str, triangles: Symmetry): self.overlay = self.interpret_rdm_arg(mask, self.rdms) self.overlay_color = color self.overlay_symmetry = triangles self.overlay_mask = _mask_from_vector(self.overlay, triangles)
[docs] def addContour(self, mask: ArrayOrRdmDescriptor, color: str, triangles: Symmetry): self.contour = self.interpret_rdm_arg(mask, self.rdms) self.contour_color = color self.contour_symmetry = triangles self.contour_mask = _mask_from_vector(self.contour, triangles)
[docs] def plot(self): self.fig,, self.handles = _plot_multi_rdm(self) return self.fig
[docs]class SingleRdmPlot: """Configuration for the single-rdm plot """ rdms: RDMs cmap: Union[str, Colormap] rdm_descriptor: str gridlines: ArrayLike nanmask: NDArray vmin: Optional[float] vmax: Optional[float] title: str overlay: NDArray overlay_color: str overlay_symmetry: Symmetry contour: NDArray contour_color: str contour_symmetry: Symmetry overlay_mask: NDArray contour_mask: NDArray fig: Optional[Figure] ax: Optional[NDArray] handles: Optional[Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]]
[docs] @classmethod def from_show_rdm_panel_args( cls, rdms: RDMs, cmap: Union[str, Colormap], nanmask: Optional[NDArray], rdm_descriptor: Optional[str], gridlines: Optional[ArrayLike], vmin: Optional[float], vmax: Optional[float], overlay: Optional[NDArray], overlay_color: str, overlay_symmetry: Symmetry, contour: Optional[NDArray], contour_color: str, contour_symmetry: Symmetry ) -> SingleRdmPlot: """Create an object from the original arguments to show_rdm_panel() """ conf = __class__() if rdms.n_rdm > 1: raise ValueError("expected single rdm - use show_rdm for multi-panel figures") if cmap == 'classic': cmap = rdm_colormap_classic() conf.cmap = cmap if nanmask is None: nanmask = np.eye(rdms.n_cond, dtype=bool) conf.nanmask = nanmask gridlines = gridlines or list() if not np.any(gridlines): gridlines = [] conf.gridlines = gridlines if rdm_descriptor in rdms.rdm_descriptors: conf.title = rdms.rdm_descriptors[rdm_descriptor][0] else: conf.title = rdm_descriptor or '' conf.vmin = vmin conf.vmax = vmax conf.overlay = conf.interpret_rdm_arg(overlay, rdms) conf.overlay_color = overlay_color conf.overlay_symmetry = overlay_symmetry conf.overlay_mask = _mask_from_vector(conf.overlay, conf.overlay_symmetry) conf.contour = conf.interpret_rdm_arg(contour, rdms) conf.contour_color = contour_color conf.contour_symmetry = contour_symmetry conf.contour_mask = _mask_from_vector(conf.contour, conf.contour_symmetry) return conf
[docs] def interpret_rdm_arg(self, val: Optional[ArrayOrRdmDescriptor], rdms: RDMs) -> NDArray: """Resolve argument that can be an rdm descriptor key/value pair or a utv """ if val is None: n_pairs = rdms.dissimilarities.shape[1] return np.zeros(n_pairs) if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): return val else: return rdms.subset(*val).dissimilarities[0, :]